If there's a new Shoujo type Tokusatsu series

        Some of the Shoujo type tokusatsu series were more on magic motif.Some of adult-theme lady theme toku were secret agents including some porn scenes.I'm just thinking if Toei or either Toho and any TV productions who want to create a new Tokusatsu series particularly a franchise suited for girls.Just like in an anime series Japan can create a live-action of a Tokusatsu heroines such as Paltrine,just to balance between men.The greatest example is the Pretty Guardian Sailormoon from 2003-2004,I think they can create other live-action versions such as Cat's Eye,Magic Knight RayEarth,Kaitou St.Tail and many more.But the best one is to create a new Female hero that can be the greatest role model same to Super Sentai,Ultraman and Kamen Rider.But are you favor for the Shoujo type Tokusatsu series?
