It's almost 6 years when GMA 7 decided to create an adaptation of Uchuu Keiji Shaider, after the re-air from 2003 to 2005.This Teleserye creates a great impact to our country which is the reverse meaning of Tokusatsu series.So here's my own version about the rip-off series started the negativity,stupidity and the cheap meaning of a Tokusatsu series,no other than Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan.So enjoy Purist,Bootleg,Neutard and Neutral Fanboys.
Before Zaido is produced,there are some speculations about the trailer of Fuuma Le-ar telling Ida to activate the Time Space Warp.It is previewed from April to June 2007.In this trailer, bunch of forums thread this kind of topic.According to them,there would be a Filipino version of Shaider,sounds questioning.I'm just thinking at that time, if our country gonna create this kind of Classic Superhero from 1984.Some of fans just like Otaku (Solid-Jap,Tokusatsu,Anime) , Kids from the 80's and 90's and Kapuso Fans gonna expect this 2007 made, to become better than the classic one.As for me,it's a fuckin threat for Otaku, creating some stupidity and spoofing up my childhood hero.
The show would be still the same as Super Twins aired on the same year,while others didn't notice as a Sailormoon rip-off mix with copycat Batman Villains.After 3 months,there are some previews showing Dennis Trillo showing his fighting moves and henshin pose ,which is more questionabble.When the first trailer shows,I could say is " WTF OF THIS PIECE OF CRAPPY SHIT!!!!??? A STYRO HERO BORNS FROM THE UNDERGROUNDS OF NOWHERE!!"To prove that Zaido is not a typical rip-off from Shaider,they show their behind-the-scenes and showing they can create their own without any dependence.But in the end,swearing their originality is all false.
When Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan is aired in our country from September 2007 to February 2008,fans from Solid Toku and other Otaku,also Shaider and Kapuso fanatics gonna say one thing about this series "TOTALLY SUCKS!!!".They showed their main casts also the three characters who are heart robs on the same station.Zaido aired on 45 minutes compare to Shaider which is 25 minutes,so what happened??.The real thing about 45 minutes is to consume on flirting,jealousy and Kilig or loving moments,all the action scenes were only few.The henshin sequence is really uneffort and a quite rip-off from Shaider,The 70's Tokuhero henshin would be better than this.
The costume is really cheap and showing it is 100% piece of crap,composed of rubber or maybe a styro.The theme is Metal Hero but they aren't attain the standards from Toei,instead creating another same old-fashioned Teleserye series flavored with Classic Japanese Super Hero from the 90's,just imagine when you eat a 1 Peso Chicken Inasal snack full of MSG.From the opening theme, all I can say is"This song is still a rip-off inserting a Super Force Field and a Fuuma's troop yelling,just like a nightmare song from a Halloween Party." In terms of Monsters of the week or preferabbly a day ,just because it should be per day or twice.Monsters consume a week of feasting humans, while heroes gonna make tweeny romance with each other .
The story of Zaido is from a decades ago after Shaider defeated Fuuma Le-ar.There are so many doubts about the story,because Internet is trending on this time and Wikipedia is active on this decade.So bunch of criticisms from fans spread against this crappy show. Can you compare Shaider from 1984 to Zaido from 2007,when they called themselves Shaider' Grandsons,if its only two decades ago.Shaider is not the only Space Sheriff on the Metal Hero Genre but also Gavan and Sharivan.Gavan is known as Sky Ranger aired from 1995 to 1997 in the Philippines.
There are also criticisms on some scenes and the story plot is came from Star Wars and Smallville,so you really called it originality.According to some sites,they followed the Tokusatsu Formula ,but thell me on what way??Transforming sequence,Monsters,weapons and villains aren't enough to call it Tokusatsu.I would prefer Tokusatsu Cosplayers on their execution of the character and Fan Fiction writers who done more creative story.Both Toku and Non-Toku can identify the difference between Zaido and Shaider.
The only difference is Zaido is not a Tokusatsu series but a Sci-Fi Drama same to Mulawin and Encantadia.Instead of creating the target market for youth,it still Cinderellla Wannabes,gossipers,drama delusioners and Purple Fairies want to feast their fantasy to this Hardcore reality of life,that why their brains gonna eat by those Teleserye Dominators just like smelly dragons inside the septic tank.I can't feel any Toku and I feel the formula is still the same.

Filipino tokusatsu fans are gonna rage on this fuckin rip-off just because there expecting more,instead a 100% disappointing series. Remaking Shaider is the most disgusting moment for us Tokusatsu fans and also Batang 80's and 90's fans.Not only Purists gonna hate this series but also Shaider fans and silent neutral fans that gonna explode their feelings.If you support the series then you're totally stupid.
The target market is for Drama Fans ,so what is their objective for this rip-off crap? For the Identification of Tokusatsu series becoming a laughing stock in our country.It's very sad for the kids on this generation identify Toku as Zaido or Power Rangers that started discrimination to all Toku Fans.
The Kapuso Network dedicated Zaido for Shaider Fans to gain their ratings at that time and create something new with Science Fiction and Special Effects.It is composed of 100 episodes,and it said it is one of the successful series on this shit channel.But the REAL THING is everybody's gonna hate this creation that shows cheap special effects,rip-off story plot,lame sequel content from Shaider,lack of reference on the real metal hero content,wasting time for flirting with other flirt,crying,mocking,babbling and Macho effect just like a purple fairy jerk.The Network is really don't care on the instructions giving them by Toei and instead they just used Shaider as one of the toppings on their Old-School Revive Teleserye shit.
After Six years there are some negative effects happened after the finale of Zaido,which is included on the Street Vocabulary of Masses. Zaido is the new definitoin of masses on Tokusatsu fans or we also include cosplayers and the shows we watch.This is started since 2008 just like the word Pasaway in 2004.I hope it would not be consider on Filipino Dictionary.
There are others saying Zaido is an official Tokusatsu series,but only a spin-off and a parody.The reasons why others gonna hate Zaido just because they destroy all the contents of the Shaider series and rather it became a spoof or a mocking counter attack against us.
I would prefer Batang X,Pintados and Rounin as a Tokusatsu series,but this Zaido shit cannot be considered, on their deviance against Tokusatsu series content and used it as a Drama shit flavoring for those chicken brained masses.It is failed as a Tokusatsu series and can't consider same to France Five and Sport Ranger in Thailand.This is considered the hall of shame and the unofficial Tokusatsu series,Akibaranger is more official.