Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger Updates: KyoryuGold as the 6th Ranger

Here's another updated for the 37th Super Sentai series Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger  after it's premier in just 2 weeks.The sixth warrior would be KyoryuGold .His henshin device called GaburiChanger and his primary weapon is called Zander Thunder,he also have is own version of  ZyuDen Mobuckle Kyoryu Gold ver,his

Similar to what is rumored before, this year's sixth warrior is KyoryuGold. He's transformation device will be called GaburiChanger, and personal weapon will be the Zander Thunder. He will also have his version of the Mobuckle, the ZyuDen Mobuckle Kyoryu Gold ver. All due in May 2013.

His mecha is the 6th Zyudenryu, Pteragodon, that will transform (Kaminari Henkei, Electric Transformation) into PteRaidenOh (due in April). In addition, a new Zyudenryu will also debut by June, Zyudenchi #8 Bunpachy. Fang Shot set and Shieldraun Slasher set will be released in April as well.
