Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger upgrade suits on season 2

Here's the following pics for their upgrades coming this season 2 of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger.The season 2 begins this April 6 on BS Asahi.AkibaRed gets his upgrade on right shoulder was just like carrying a baby but a side-ward of Z-Cune. 

 The Upgrade for Akiba Blue is nothing but panty strap that just like a dominatrix such as Tira of Bakuretsu hunters.Nice upgrade,if they want her panties turn into T-Back.

Another one is Akiba Yellow with her Chinese Hairstyle,This one would be sure as the fastest fighter among them that resembles Maskman,Dairanger and Gekiranger.
Just watch coming this April for some updates.And here's the cute pose of AkibaBlue and Yellow.
