Toku-similarities#1:Martial Arts Masters between 20 years

 Welcome to my new segment this year 2013,no other than Toku-similarities as we review,the revisions,tributes,artist played in other tokuroles and any thing nice as we featured for today is the similarities between Martial Arts themed Super Sentai .I excluded Dairanger for the reserve of the next topic between these two Sentais.Hikari Sentai Maskman is one of the popular series in the 80's composed of 51 episodes from 1987-88 and making a big impact to Brazil,France and in the Philippines which is aired form 1989-2000 on IBC 13.This series is mix with the love story between Takeru/Michael Joe/Red Mask and Mio/Rio.
After 20 years it creates another tribute which is aired from 2007-2008 the Jyuuken Sentai Gekiranger.
 Jyuuken Sentai Gekiranger is a 20 years tribute of Hikari Sentai Maskman that mix with Chonjuu Sentai Liveman with its rivalry concepts that who is the strongest among the Powerful Martial Arts.Maskman have Aura Power while Gekiranger have Gekiwaza.Anyway let's take a look of their boss.

Master Sugata is the master of Maskman who owns Sugata racing when the five started as a racing crew joining in F1 race until the time comes when the Underground Empire starts to attack.Sugata teaches them Aura Power to strengthen their ability and trained them on different techniques,he's a real bad-ass trainer that a I didn't imagine when he plays as a referee in Takeshi's castle.

Now you can't believe on this Big cat that would be a tribute to Master Sugata,but it looks like the same about this tough cat that can teach GekiWaza where they can summon beasts as powerful attacks ,mechas and anything nice..Just like Maskman Gekiranger started in a Sporting goods company called SCRTC,when they started as trainers and used some weapons created by them.Also the same they already trained to face the rival one Rin-Jyuken.The training was too practical but they realized the importance and learn some new techniques. 

Here's our first part of Tokusimilarities the next one is the mecha's between Maskman and Gekiranger.


Oh Hi Ani said…
can i suggest also the rivalry between Takeru and Igam, it was pretty close to Jan and Rio rivalry.
TCP said…
Thank you for the suggestion dude