Tokusatsu Clarification#1: MASKED RIDER VS. KAMEN RIDER BLACK RX

Here's our new segment called the Tokusatsu Clarification as we clarified different Tokusatsu series that are fucked up by some cheap adaptations.The purpose of this one is to enlightened and clarify the difference between the Toei made and the Bootleg Made.Now let's watch the well-known rip-off series created by Saban known as Masked Rider which is the true title is Kamen Rider Black RX.Just watch and learn what is the real thing about this kind of crappy adaptation. Enjoy this video and I salute who created this.


Sean Akizuki said…
Saban's Masked Rider should be called MASHED RIDER. It's damn awful!
TCP said…
Really pissed off,even Bootleg Fanboys admit it to themselves,WTF