Toku-Clarifications # 3: The White Ranger

He is the most popular character in a Power Rangers series,but its too confusing about its ability including some scenes came from the  Japanese footage.There are some questions from it's debut to the movie version.When I was a kid,I'm really aware that somethings fishy happen and I'm being curious who is the real one?.First of all here's the original character.

Here's the original character who is a 9 year old kid named Kou who came from the  half-human,half-Gouma He is KibaRanger the 6th Ranger of Gosei Sentai Dairanger the martial-arts motif Sentai same to Maskman.You can't believe that after his henshin he grows up like a big man,But talking?? well Byakko talks every battle.

Here's the origin of Whiteranger or originally called Kiba Ranger.Try to watch this, and reminds of yourself watching Maskman.

If you want to see his original appearance watch this:


Anonymous said…
how does it reminds you of maskman? because of the martial arts theme? ang layo pre. next time do some accurate research before writing a blog or something not pull out something out of your ass. and please, watch the grammar.
Anonymous said…
well, still there's nothing you can do. JDF is more known than the original.. EVEN NOW. just accept the reality dude..
TCP said…
What do you mean?? related to pr shit rip off from zyuranger to dairanger???mas malayo.....martial arts and aura were connected in two series,only the Chinese culture is the difference on dairanger.While the pr rip-off from zyuranger to dairanger is far from reality dinosaur then chinese martial arts mas malayo pre.FYI Bad Grammar is the lamest excuse for being tough,than a coward anon can't explain the reason why Dairanger is not related to Maskman.
Juventud Guerrera said…
OVERRATED is the more proper word for Tommy.