Jyuden Sentai Kyouryuuger updates:Henshin Device and Mecha rumors

Within this month would be the confirmation of official imagesof the 37th Super Sentai series for 2013-2014 the Jyuden Sentai Kyouryuuger.Before it happens let's take a look for some team suits and mecha.

The Kyouryuger line-up is composed of the following:

Red -Tyrannosaurus (Male)
Blue -Triceratops (Male)
Green -Stegosaurus (Male)
Yellow - (Female)
White- (Female)

If its confirmed this would be the first colored line-up together with Green and White unlike Black and White used in Jetman,Gaoranger,Kakuranger, Gaoranger and Abaranger.Red would be similar to TyrannoRanger,and female still have some skirts.Kyouryuuger  have a battery like item and a remote like henshin device including some weapons.The mecha for Kyouryuger would be a combination of Dinosaurs and Train that resembles from Go-Onger's  Kyouretsu-Oh and Magiranger's Travelion.Jyuden Sentai Kyouryuuger  would be aired coming last week of February  or first week of March 2013


Unknown said…
Its red- t-rex black- parasaurolophus pink- triceratops green- velociraptor and blue- stegosaurus