Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger updates: rumored role-calls

Here's the official poster of the upcoming 37th Super Sentai series for 2013-2014 the Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger  including their mecha.Here's their rumored respective role-call as for now and here it is:

KyoryuRed:The Fanged Hero
KyoryuBlack:The Shelled Hero
KyoryuBlue: The Armored Hero
KyoryuGreen:The Slashing Hero
KyoryuPink:The Horned Heroine

Their role calls is totally similar to their predecessors Zyuranger and Gingaman.
Juuden Sentai Kyoryuger would be premier this February ,17, 2013.


Unknown said…
Kyorublack is the bullet hero
TCP said…
already updated last january