Tokusatsu Primetime Flashback# 30:GMA WEEKEND MORNINGS 2006-2007

It's time for our Tokusatsu Primetime Flashback as we featured previous Tokusatsu primetime slots  from the 90's to the present.As we featured for today let's take a look for the third Tokusatsu series aired on GMA wayback 2006.

This is the second Ultraman series to be aired in 2000's,this is the darkest series I've ever watched that represent some deep challenges and struggles that results with a never give up attitude,I've learn a bunch of being confident whatever loss happens to me.It is aired every weekends at 7:00 to 8:00 am wayback December 2006 to May 2007.

So here's for our Tokusatsu Primetime Flashback,for the next feature we will start the 2007 era.
