Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie Wars ULTIMATUM revealed

 This is the latest Kamen Rider crossover movie for the fourth time which is entitled “Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie Wars ULTIMATUM,” that tells about Kamen Rider club members status after the Fourze finale.Five years after Kamen Rider Club members graduated from Amanogawa high....Gentarou becomes a teacher of AMA high,Yuki becomes an Astronaut as fulfilling her dream,Ryuusei becomes a secret agent and Kengo becomes a Scientist.

 In this movie includes some Classic Tokusatsu series such as Bishōjo Mask Poitrine (1990 Tokusatsu series) to challenge Kamen Rider Wizard to a magical duel.And another is Sanagiman an Inazuman Tokusatsu series aired in 1973.Sanagiman absorbs kinetic energy that makes his transformation into Inazuman.

Just to familiarize about this two classic Tokusatsu series watch this:

 In Fourze story,Inga Blink returns again ...since she appeared of Kamen Rider Fourze movie Everyone, It's Space Time! and Kamen Rider Nadeshiko of Movie Wars MEGAMAX.

Hercules Zodiart would be appeared on Movie Wars,but just think who is this person holding the switch even the Zodiarts are dissapeared,Just thinking who's behind this.
