Jyuden Sentai Kyoryuuger updates: Digital DInosaur motif

As for my previous two post Jyuden Sentai Kyouryuuger would be either ancient or primitive beasts,now comes with an update.According to different blogs I've gather,It would be Digital Beasts or called hologram dinosaurs that preserve their existence via digital technology.

There are following rumors which is only a consequence for the motif:

1.It would be same or either for the tribute for Digimon,Pokemon and Monster Rancher or same with this motif.It would be another Ranger Buddy same to Abaranger,Go-onger and Go-Busters.

2. Dinosaurs survived through a place where they live eternally.Maybe the same to Gaoranger ,Gingaman,Go-onger and Abaranger.

3.Takayuki Miyauchi  returns to sing the opening,ending and insert themes for Kyoryuuger.

4.There are some rumors,regarding to the following line-up from dukemon22 of Toku-Insider Blog.

1.Red - Tyrannosaurus 2. Blue - Plesiosaurus 3. Yellow - Brachiosaurus 4. Black - Triceratops
5. White - Pteranodon

The confirmation of Kyoryuuger  would be on December.
