Go-Busters Powered Custom Debuts on Episode 33

After the team-up with Uchuu Keiji Gavan Type-G,another threat is coming which is more complicated than before.When Go-Busters went to HyperSpace on Episode 30 ,they defeated the Vargrass completely,but somethings wrong after they went to finish this big mission.Enter,Escape and Messiah returns again,when Enter have a back up copy of Messiah and plans to gather some data to resists who attempt to defeat him,the only key to the entire plan of Messiah is to get human's data the key to destruction.

On episode 33 Enter creates the "Earth Erosion Strategy" to help Messiah's plan on the massive invasion.Now Metaroids and Megazords are upgraded than before.Go-Busters are now upgrade into Go-Busters Powered Custom to counter attack the more stronger Vagrass.
