The first rumors for Jyuden Sentai Kyoryuger

The next Super Sentai series for 2013-2014 the Jyuden Sentai Kyoryuger .Now it is contrast from the first rumors from Dinosaurs turns into ancient or legendary animals same to Changeman and Dairanger.But I think for this series would be the 20the anniversary tribute for Gosei Sentai Dairanger.

The rumored mecha will be called the Jyuden Genshijyu or in English ,Beast Electric Atom Beasts,and their henshin device called "Kyoryuu Smaho" (Kyoryuu Smartphone) another cellphone Henshin device again.

Here's the following line-up of Jyuden Sentai Kyoryuger composed of Five Warriors.These are the following line-up ,This is came from

KyoryuRed controls the "Jyuden GigaKong" [giant ape type]
named after the Gigantopithecus
KyoryuBlue controls the "Jyuden Andrewsarchus" [hyena-type]
named for Andrewsarchus
KyoryuGreen controls the "Jyuden Ootsunojika" [deer-type]
named for Megaloceros
KyoryuYellow controls the "Jyuden Shisochou" [archeopteryx]
named for the Archaeopteryx
KyoryuPink controls the "Jyuden Glyptodon" [armadillo-type]
named for the Glyptodon

It would be surely air either February or March 2013,and its confirmation this coming December,so stay tuned.
