Kamen Rider Wizard weapons,arsenals and different skills

Here's the new images for the current series or the 14th Kamen Rider series Kamen Rider Wizard.We review his weapons,arsenals and skills both fighting and magic.

Wizard Rings is used by Kamen Rider Wizard to release different creatures,unleashed abilities and different magics.Just for example the Dragon Rise Ring is used when he wants to summon WizarDragon that also combine with his bike called Machine Winger to become Winger WizarDragon.

WizarSwordGun is teh main weapon of Kamen Rider Wizard ,which is 2 in 1 that can use to become sword or either gun.For a finisher Shooting strike used for a long range attack and Slash Strike for using a sword.There are different styles of Kamen Rider Wizard ,depends on the element he used.

Kamen Rider Wizard have different rings to change himself depends on the color that represents different elements.When he used the blue ring he changed into Kamen Rider Wizard Water Style.He used slash strike with water form around the sword,he also unleashed some aquatic skills,he also controls the water.

Kamen Rider Wizard Water Style also turn into a water substances just like RX Biorider.Kamen Rider Wizard Land Style is activate through the Yellow ring when he used the Defense Ring creating a big wall of rock or either soil protecting himself.

Kamen Rider Wizard Land Style is using ground and soil powers to create some strong defenses and can also used,big ring.He's just the same as OOO Sagozo and Den-O Axe form.

Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Style is activate through the green ring,he used a powerful wind when slashing enemies.It can also invoke the wind element that he can fly up high.I think this kind of style is too light,but too fast particularly for those fastest apparitions to defeat.

Kamen Rider Wizard have different kinds of Wizard rings such as Sleep Ring  that causes him for a deep sleep,which is also used in the deep battle in other dimension,Light Ring helps him to activate a bright light in a dark,it can also used to escape and rescue missions, Bind Ring that can be used to bind enemies through strong chains and Small ring to shrink himself which is also used for midget kaijins.

If Fourze have Foodroids,Kamen Rider Wizard have PlaMonsters which is same to Hibiki's Disc Animals to find his enemies and people in danger.Red Garuda is used for searching the skies,Blue Unicorn is a speedy one to chase some enemies and Yellow Kraken used in deep sea.
