Hikōnin Sentai Akibaranger (Unofficial Sentai Akihabara Rangers) The Anime Super Sentai

I'm getting interested in this anime series.Aside the upcoming  Super Sentai series, Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters,Toei have another anime series related to Super Sentai called  Hikōnin Sentai Akibaranger (Unofficial Sentai Akihabara Rangers)  coming this April.For me I would watch this via fansubs with Kamen Rider Fourze and Gobusters.

Hikōnin Sentai Akibaranger is  a three tag team same to Go-Busters,This three live in Akihabara's Electric Town who learned that a malevolent entity plans to destroy their neighborhood,until they transform into warriors to fight evil through the help of a beautiful and brilliant genius creating the Super Gear.

The production would be composed of both anime and Tokusatsu veterans group such as Ryuta Tazaki (Kamen Rider), Keiichi Satou  director/character designer  of Tiger & Bunny, Naruhisa Arakawa writer of  Kamen Rider Kuuga, and composer Kenji Kawai  composer of Ghost in the Shell.Just wait for the official announcement and the Bandai website.From now I will update also about this series aside from Kamen Rider Fourze and Go-Buster.
