I'm relying now on downloading some fansub sites just to update myself about the latest Tokusatsu series that I want to watch.It's a totally shit for me if I want to wait for nothing for those channels aired nothing but fucking infoshows,old school shits,teleserye geeks and any freaking shows just to cater some dumbasses.
I would like to thank IBC 13,RPN 9 and the defunct ABC 5 for giving me foundations of being a Tokufan.But now this 3 is totally damned and look creepy.Channel 13 now is already sold by TV5 as a sports channel,just because of almost a decade being a show for dumbfreaks,and according to the majority "IT SUCKS".
I'm currently watching Tokusatsu series through downloading on fansubs,then transfer to my USB then insert on the USB plug and watch it directly on DVD.
For those Toku fans here in the Philippines.Can you wait for the next Tokusatsu series release in our country???