If Memory Gadgets in W/Double to defeat Dopants, Candroidsin OOO as a gadget to defeat Yummies.Fourze introduced Foodroids,just like a typical meal from McDonalds and Jolibee.The three gadget were “Burger Meal” transforms into Burger,“Potachokin” transforms into french fries and “Furaseki” into softdrinks cup to help Fourze to detect and defeat enemies.The burger was look like an helper of Microsoft Word,The french fries and softdrink cup was look like a penguin totally cute.

The weapons were quite similar to Megaranger.Just like the drill sword,Fourze used this as a Rider Kick finisher.I think all the switches can pop-up different weapons in different forms.I want to wait the Nejireja look-a-like villain in the series.
There are more weapons coming around.The Fire State again is the red one with the weapon called Hi-Hat Gun and the Electric State is the yellow one with the weapon called Billy the Rod.I just remember Kamen Rider Double' forms such as Cyclone/Joker,Luna/Trigger and Heat/Metal.I think they will appear another switches to form new rare states with weapons.
The Astro Switch Gaban is similar to OOO's Medal Holder,it holds 10 Astro Switches.The total Astro Switches are 40 al of them would be either weapons,arsenal or another state to transform.