Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger episode 9 and Kamen Rider OOO episode 30 preview with Kamen Rider OOO opening theme

This preview will be aired next week,For the first time Ankh appears itself and you just notice his right hand is lost replacing a color purple one ( I'm not saying he's wearing anything), and plus my favorite heroes transformed by the Gokaiger's,the Turboranger and Jetman in the episode featuring Gaoranger.

Here's the review for the next episode:

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger episode 9: The Lion runs

Gokaiger and Zangyack race to find the floating island the place of Gaobeasts and the main base of the Gaorangers. But Gokaiger find a veterinarian instead and they encounter Kakeru/Gaored.

Kamen Rider OOO episode 30: The king,the panda and the blazing memory

Maki was injured by the yummy while Chiyoko rush at him to bring inside to heal the wounds. While treating the wound,Maki tells his past about his late sister.
