Next time create a series that suitable for family not for sluts

Philippine TV is another failure bringing us quality entertainment.They go and gather up some old novels,myths,barber' unfold stories,flirt novels,Korenovelas,Anime and of course Tokusatsu to mix up into total destruction.

For almost a decade all fantasy shows in our country was crap and cheap.Male content supeheroes such as Captain Barbell and now Machete are being disgust their image into sex symbol.All of shows where 24 hours 7 days a week is always in one theme,flirting.They aren't any improvement for almost years,and almost favor for those desperate cinderella wannabe who want to slap their faces many times a day.

As of now another show is now ending in just 2 months.They are not focus on the characther's attributions being a Pinoy superheroes instead he want to show his body 360 degrees in front of straight and homo shits who want to increase population.They are many immoral shits with the essence of feminity that influence boys being a sinful dogs.Totally they disgust all superheroes being a prostitute all over the world,do they think its that called quality????

Another series will comeback ,but another flirting story opens to the minds of idiots,cinderella shits and snowhite retards.This male protagonist series are more favor now for sluts than a family-oriented type sounds threatening.
