Kamen Rider OOO Putotyra form

Kamen Rider OOO is already in a half-period of the series. The combo featured from Gatikiriba,Ratorata,Sagozo,Tajadoru and Shauta.Now another combo unleashed. This new combos came from the core medals of the new Greed named Gills.

The Pututyra combo also called as dinosaur combo or the purple combo using the Pterodactyl, Tricetops andTyrannosaurus Rex Core Medals.It can't combine with other core medals ,it is specially used only for the purple combo.

Kamen Rider OOO PuToTyra combo is very dangerous than other combos,it's really unstable.If Eiji used this,he couldn't able to control this combo resulted to go berserk and become a raging beasts. This combo also consumes more amounts of powers to destroy cities just like a Godzilla.

The Putotyra combo comes with the new weapon called Medagaburyuu.It can used also in other forms but incapable to used because it is specialize in the Putotyra combo only unlike the Tajadoru form. This weapon reminds me Abaranger because of similarities about the dinosaur appearance.

Medagaburyuu has two modes,the axe mode for short range and the bazooka mode for long range attacks.It eats cell medals to increase energy similar to Kamen Rider Birth's weapon,the more cell medals consumes ,the stronger the attack.The bazooka mode shoot powerful beams and can destroy every surroundings.It can only handle with this combo
