Another crossover premiers on May 2011.It's too early to create another crossover just like Gaoranger did 10 years ago together with Super Sentai from Goranger-Timeranger.Goseiger give an opportunity to join on a crossover with an anniversary series unlike Gaoranger and Boukenger.Here's the spoiler images came from the Facebook page of Gokaiger.
After the legend war,Zangyack strikes again and confronted by the Gokaiger.While the fighting happens the Goseiger stole the 5 ranger keys to transform into Goseiger including the Goseiknight key.The Gokaiger and Goseiger confronetd until the Black Cross King appears.

Bilbi again!!???Another comeback for Goseiger to team-up with Gokaiger.This story will be sure that Burajira was alive with a new power.The villains will be revived such as Go-onger's Crime Minister Yogoshimakuritain and Magiranger's Hades God Dagon.This could be a great team-up against all-star villains.
Moune and Luka transform on this place.This image background would be from Samurai period of Timeranger of Samurai world of Go-onger or else on the Shinkenger's place.Agri,Moune,Joe and Luka has transported in the Edo period.

Goseired found these ranger keys.It'll be sure he want to steal those keys to use to defeat Burajira.Goseired infiltrates Goukaigalleon and try to find Goseiknight ranger key,before it was happened they are transported into different space.

Just like Decade.Gokaired battle Boukenred and Megared,I think there's one who stole the ranger key or either they are true rangers that feel threatened about Gokaigers.
Goseired against Jak Q,what happened.I think Burajira used this kind of power to persih them off.
Gokaipink against Battle France and Battle Kenya,

Looks who retuened,Burajira again???he revived with his new power.The Black cross army belt created by the Black cross king.Burajira is really immortal and can transform in different persons.Burajira will be back to do his mission again.

The Black Cross King has been revived in a new form. He fought before against Himitsu Sentai Goranger during that time but now he called himself the Black Cross Führer.He will summon former villains defeated by the past Super Sentai Teams.
Gokaiger and Goseiger having a new weapon the Super Sentai Bazooka,a tradition of team bazooka finishers.They combine Gosei and Gokai power.