Being a tokufan,watching tokusatsu doesn't mean your a kiddo still watching cartoons and playing toys with your nephews,nieces and other kids playing outside,its an action series similar to smallville or better than that ,including some problems to our situation now.It's unfair for me why Superman and Spiderman is really considered to aired in public while Kamen Rider and Shaider movie can't accept because it is really weirdo and stupid to watch because it is totally childish according by some stupid commoners.

When I'm going outside to rent a 1 hour on an Internet Cafe other stupid teens and feeling-teens laughed at me because I'm grown up and still watching these and suggest me to play an online game or chat or else watch a porn video.It is better to watch tokusatsu than doing their own non-sense activities,that's why our youth today is totally deviant,ignorant and immature about realities in life.They can't understand what is the main content in every episode I'm watching and only depending on what the bossy one suggest to do their own stupid activity in tagalog term "Uso" or "Trip" with no sense or learning outcome.If you observe from some teens and feeling teens they are radical,hyperfreak,odd manner and idiotic belief about anything.

The otaku here in our country was totally limited and only focused on one genre "ANIME!!!!" others forgot about toku even in a cosplay event they will called a toku-cosplayer power rangers,zaido,bioman(others called wearing a super sentai)masked rider black(same to super sentai).They are more otaku but others were totally dumb and really stereotype about some japanese otaku genres.Their are many fans same to me were still ignorant and disaccept toku because of the Power Ranger effect plus the zaido one.For me I'm really unsatisfied,it's still a cold civil war between ignorance and discrimination of each hobby,Otaku should be unite as one but this evil aura came from media moguls gives virus of ignorance and mind slavery for those dumbasses.I really hate other people stick with only classics and don't accept the innovation of once genre also who don't accept foundation of Tokusatsu in our country.

The wrong about Filipino's philosophy in entertainment was the stateside 1st and the rest are worse mentality meaning they are easily adapted at any random thread according to the taste of stateside shit.Sometimes others would prefer to watch an american superhero than a japanese superhero because they are reality???really???it's only the same but we are more appreciated Japanese according to our taste and also a reality about problems in life.Tokusatsu is not really tired to watch because of the new and fresh concept unlike those superheroes that always repeated,recycled and really tiring main concept without any something new just like the unstoppable naruto and batman.

Tokusatsu is a proud of Japan as a superhero icon and a symbol similar to USA they are only differences between them.The real problem is the discrimination and ignorance about the genre.I don't want to please any freaks to follow their dirty activities,I would rather to follow my heart,my hobby,my interest and my fellow ones with the same taste,beliefs and philosophy.