Kamen Rider W returns: Accel and Eternal first trailer

Here's the 2 sequels of Double the story about Accel and Eternal. Let's get started!!!

Here's the synopsis from Jefusion.com

Kamen Rider W RETURNS: Kamen Rider Accel continues where Kamen Rider Movie Wars CORE left off, Ryu Terui saved a girl named Aoi Kuzuki (played by Yukari Tani) from an attack caused by the Masked Soldiers. Suddenly, the Commander Dopant shows up to take something from Aoi, but she doesn't have that thing anymore. Commander Dopant places a time bomb on Aoi and frames Terui.

It will be released on April 21 after the All-rider battle movie

Kamen Rider W RETURNS: Kamen Rider Eternal, Kamen Rider W is still fighting against the remaining Dopants, and suddenly a woman holding psychic powers appears. Her name is Miina (played by Rin Takanashi). She has come to Futo in order to avenge Katsumi Daido's defeat in W FOREVER: AtoZ/Gaia Memories of Fate.

It will be released on July 21 3 months after Accel movie released.
