Kaizoku Sentai Goukaiger episode 1 pics and Ending theme clip

Another new images I found about the episode premier of Gokaiger so heres the following image spoilers.

The first pic shows Akaranger lead all Super Sentai battle against Zangyaku the biggest threat in the universe,to defeat the empire they must sacrifice themselves to repelled them from earth.

If Kamen Rider have rider wars then Super Sentai have Legend war meaning a war of all-star sentai against the powerful empire of Zangyaku.

Red Falcon with his falcon sword to slash silver grunts, remembering myself watching Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.

ChangeDragon,RedFlash,ShinkenRed,VulEagle and Big One again showed their special moves and fighting skill battling against Grunts.

Hurricanger and Kakuranger teamed-up combining their ninjitsu skills against grunts to slash evil.

By the way heres the all-star sentai, EPIC WIN!!!!

I'm currently watching Sun Vulcan through downloading on fansubs and now I'm watching episode 3.This picture shows Goukaiger eat at the snack safari which is the Sun Vulcan's headquarters on the underground place.

Goukaired Transformed using the Mobirate into Goukaired, really exciting in their henshin sequence.

Snack Safari has been destroyed and what Don doing?holding the signage....they was shock when the Zangyaku invades the place.

thanks for waiting even this video was only a leaked and only mix with opening theme so here's the ending theme clip
