When youtube starting to suspend different users, who provide current and past Tokusatsu series for our viewing pleasure. But there's another option to resist the ignorance and unawareness about Toku the FANSUBS.

Fansubs are made by some fans who are knowledgable in different kinds of language such as Japanese,Korean,Chinese and other languages according to the program by country.Fansubs can be found through video streaming site,downloading sites and DVD.If you buy any DVD around the corner,it'll be sure some of them were made of fansubs.The majority of these kind of product are anime and asianovelas,because it's really demand in our economy.

Finding different series especially for us, were just like treasure hunters seeking for this greatest precious after pirates grab this opportunity ,if it's either to keep or to destroy it.They are many freaks who want to stop us,because they do nothing but to yelled,discriminate and crush this treasure.If you found some suspensions on different sites, well the valid reason for that is copyright infrigement.This kind of result may either the racist one who want to ruin anything from us or the own production to buy their DVD for almost more than a thousand pesos.

Most of fansubs sites' download link are Megaupload,but this site is only once to download a single episode,not twice or more than 10 episodes ,unless you become a premium member to spend for almost dollars to multiply your download to the last one.Some of download links are faster than Megaupload,these are the following:

1.Sendspace is easy to click.First just click the "regular" button then the "download" button.This site is only a single download,but you don't need to wait another seconds,minutes and hours before the next download.

2.Hotfile is one of the fastest download provider.The big problem about these site is first to click the regular button then wait for 15 seconds and another to copy the catchphrase above then click,to hard but faster.You can't wait for almot a minute before you download the next one,because you need to wait between fifteen to thirty minutes or more than an hour.

3.Fileserve is similar to hotfile being the fastest download provider.First you must click the slow download ,then copy the catchphrase and wait for another 25 seconds worst than Hotfile.The advantage is you must wait for almost few than thirty minutes.

4.Mediafire is the best among download providers, because you need only to click "click here to download" button, and you can multiply your download depending on its capacity.It would better to replace mediafire to other sites because it's faster,comfortable and download all you can without any dissapointments.

5.The rest like Filesonic,Deposit files,Bitshare and Uploading were only same to Hotfile and Fileserve.This is also recommended if your waiting for other download provider such as Megaupload which is most common in downloading fansubs.

As for now,I'm just trying the torrent software ,but I'm little bit dissapointed about the outcome,just because of our internet broadband were too slow than a turtle or downloading on planet moon.Torrent application must need an internet,really sucks.