I'm really bored now watching on the PC, because they are many things to do on my work and I haven't any time to rent for almost more than an hour, that's why I buy a USB to download from Fansubber sites directly save on the USB and watch it directly on DVD on my day-off.I rent for 1 hour and the downloading time is very fast from 15-30 minutes also if the downloading site is different like Megaupload and Sendspace, sometime it's getting me irritated when they can't download both at the same site because it might cause error or waiting for another minutes before you used to download.
Our DVD now is accepting only AVI format and others cannot read which is common video format like MP4 and WMV the real problem it depends on the quality to watch because sometimes it blurs the screen.It's better to download on fansubs than to watch on youtube because it is really stereotype.