Kamen Rider OOO SHAUTA combo

Kamen Rider OOO SHAUTA form will be debut in February after Tajadoru form release on the next episodes.The Shauta combo is a blue type sea form rider came from the core medals of Mezool when she died with Gamel on episode 16 after that the core medals of Mezool was grabbed by Cazali after they stole from him.

Kamen Rider OOO SHAUTA combo is composed of hachi (Orca), Unagi (Eel) and Tako (Octopus) Core Medals as if you remember on episode 18 when he used the Unagi medal on the chest part to release and electric attack against the Kuwagata Yummy.It's look like opposite to Tajadoru because the red one looks like Fire-type unlike Shauta a water type rider remembers me playing Pokemon on Gameboy.

As you seen on the picture the unagi whips will release electric shock to attack Cazali just like before he attacks Uva and the Kuwagata Yummy,it will be more powerful in this ultimate combo.I'm really excited in the use of Hachi and Tako part during his combat.

The scanning charge for Kamen Rider OOO SHAUTA form called Octovanish a drill-like rider kick looks like a cyclone rider kick against the yummy,it will release from four to eight legs like tentacles of an Octopus.This finisher is similar if you remember the rider kick of Kamen Rider Chalice of Kamen Rider Blade

The total of Kamen Rider OOO combo as of now are 5 this is Gatakiriba,Ratoratar,Sagozo,Tajadoru and Shauta soon Putoterano and Kurokawani will be added soon on the next episodes and another form will be surely appears.It's really confusing if they can combine all of 21 or more core medals to release an Ultimate form just like Kamen Rider Double Extreme combined all the Gaia memory in one sword if they can do it.
