Here's the names came from Jefusion.com
The Zangyaku is made up of (from left-back to front) Insaan, Damaras,Barizorg, and their leader Waruzu Giru. They are an evil empire who almost ruled the universe. With the 34 Super Sentai gone, they have set their aims on Earth.
If your getting excited watching the series here's the henshin scenes
Like Decade they can transform into past sentais using sentai figures turned into keys to unlock different sentais as they want,I'm really glad about the female version of Magired and Gekired.The first episode will be in islands of Sentai which is the first is at the Go-ongers place follow by Magiranger.
Here's another from Jefusion about the characther description also their episode spoilers.
- Captain Marvelous/GoukaiRed
The Young Captain of the Pirate Squadron who is always wild and shining. - Joe Gibken/GoukaiBlue
Member of the Pirate Squadron who has a calm deposition and a serious character. In short, the Cool Blue. - Luca Millefi/GoukaiYellow
"A woman who surpasses the men." Though one side of her character is very manly, her other side is sensual (can be translated as "having an interest in the opposite sex"). - Don Dockoiyer/GoukaiGreen
An alarmist from the School of Caution who has received the nickname: Hakase (Professor/Doctor), and acts as the team's mechanic. - Aim de Famille/GoukaiPink
Princess who feels that the work of a pirate is unbecoming of her. As such, she is rather clumsy.
Here's the episode spoilers from Jefusion.com
Episode 1: In order to find the legendary "The Greatest Treasure in the whole universe," Captain Marvelous travels through the universe together with his crew. One day Captain Marvelous encounters theSpace Country Zangyaku's armada. Even though they are at a disadvantage, Captain Marvelous decides to attack them. Eventually Captain Marvelous and his crew arrives at Earth trying to get a meal, but Zangyaku shows up and attacks them. There they start fighting like pirates should fight. Thus making enemies with the Space Country Zangyaku.
Episode 2: Captain Marvelous decides to sail to the Island of Go-ongerto search for the island's treasure, the Engine Soul. When they get to the island, they find that the Go-onger have joined forces with Zangyaku, and the Goukaiger fight against them.
Meanwhile, here are the unconfirmed ones:
Episode 3: The Gokaigers move on and learn why the Go-Onger had teamed up with the Zangyaku. "Super Sentai are the enemies of peace!" declares a poster with a picture of the Goukaiger trio. The various Super Sentai teams have gone into hiding and some are working with the Zangyaku to keep themselves safe and keep a close eye on this strange new threat.
Episode 4: Magiranger Island seems strange, but things soon grow ever stranger when they learn the Magirangers have disappeared! Doc travels the island and discovers the great Sibling Traveling Circus.