All this forms were exactly red and I'm gonna be excited how many can he used including the following techniques used by the 34 past sentai red rangers, here's the following forms that he particularly transforms :Aka Ranger, Spade Ace, Battle Japan, DenjiRed, VulEagle, GoggleRed, DynaRed, Red One, Change Dragon, RedFlash, RedMask, Red Falcon, Red Turbo, FiveRed, Red Hawk, Tyranno Ranger, Ryuu Ranger, NinjaRed, OhRed, Red Racer, MegaRed, GingaRed, GoRed, TimeRed, GaoRed, Hurricane Red, AbaRed, DekaRed, MagiRed, BoukenRed, GekiRed, Go-OnRed, ShinkenRed, and GoseiRed.

I'm very laughed at this because Black Bison and Go-on Black is excluded in the Goukaigreen forms also the Kuwagata Ranger and Gekichopper which is transformed by Goukaipink, it's just because of a 5th member line-up depends on the color line-up. Here's the following forms of Goukaipink including past male rangers with skirts:Momo Ranger, Heart Queen, Miss America, DenjiPink, GogglePink, DynaPink, Pink Five, Change Phoenix, PinkFlash, PinkMask, Black Bison, Pink Turbo, FivePink, White Swan, Ptera Ranger, Houhou Ranger, NinjaWhite, OhPink, Pink Racer, MegaPink, GingaPink, GoPink, TimePink, GaoWhite, Kuwaga Raiger , DekaPink, MagiPink, BoukenPink, GekiChopper,Go-OnBlack, ShinkenPink, and GoseiPink.
The pasts Black rangers,Kabuto Ranger and Gekiviolet will be considered to the category of Goukaigreen's respective forms,this forms were belong to the second male member which is commonly green or black and funny,serious or rebel type. Here's the following forms of Goukaigreen including Black rangers and other colors:Mido Ranger, Clover King, Battle Kenya, DenjiGreen, GoggleBlack, DynaBlack, Green Two, Change Griffin, GreenFlash, BlackMask, Green Rhino,Black Turbo, FiveBlack, Black Condor, Mammoth Ranger, Shishi Ranger, NinjaBlack, OhGreen, Green Racer, MegaBlack, GingaGreen, GoGreen, TimeGreen, GaoBlack, Kabuto Ranger, AbareBlack, DekaGreen, MagiGreen, BoukenBlack, Go-OnGreen, GekiViolet, ShinkenGreen, and GoseiBlack.
Goukaiblue forms into both blue male and female rangers meaning unisex type of ranger. For me it is better to have a blue male ranger than female because the color looks masculine than females. The blue one looks like long hair and a serious type and he can execute this both genders, the female one that he can transform was Blue Dolphin,Blue Swallow Hurricane Blue and Magi Blue without any skirts. Here's the following forms of Goukaiblue including female rangers without skirts:Ao Ranger, Dia Jack, Battle France, DenjiBlue, VulShark, GoggleBlue, DynaBlue, Blue Three, Change Pegasus, BlueFlash, BlueMask, Blue Dolphin, Blue Turbo, FiveBlue, Blue Swallow, Tricera Ranger, Tenma Ranger, NinjaBlue, OhBlue, Blue Racer, MegaBlue, GingaBlue, GoBlue, TimeBlue, GaoBlue, Hurricane Blue , AbareBlue, DekaBlue, MagiBlue, BoukenBlue, GekiBlue, Go-OnBlue, ShinkenBlue, and GoseiBlue.
This one would be really shocking for me ,the Goukaiyellow forms because some of the past sentai yellow rangers were male with skirts and no doubt some of them are fat ones like Ki Ranger,Goggle Yellow and Yellow owl also with skirts will be transformed by Goukaiyellow. She's type of a boyish but beautiful girl same to Change Mermaid and Yellow Mask. The other includes Battle Cossack in a orange color,Change Mermaid in a white color and of course Big One the other white one. She's to super flexible about her responsibility being a ranger that she is beautiful but a strong type of ranger. Here's the following forms of Goukaiyellow including Change Mermaid, past yellow male rangers with skirts and also Battle Cossack and Big One:Ki Ranger, Big One , Battle Cosack, DenjiYellow, VulPanther , GoggleYellow, DynaYellow, Yellow Four, Change Mermaid, YellowFlash, YellowMask, Yellow Lion, Yellow Turbo,FiveYellow, Yellow Owl, Tiger Ranger, Kirin Ranger, NinjaYellow , OhYellow, YellowRacer, MegaYellow, GingaYellow,GoYellow, TimeYellow, GaoYellow, Hurricane Yellow, AbareYellow, DekaYellow, MagiYellow, BoukenYellow, GekiYellow, Go-OnYellow, ShinkenYellow, and GoseiYellow.
There is no 6th ranger as of now, but it was also confirmed soon to transform like Dragon Ranger and Gosei Knight.This is the confirmed forms would be transform by the Goukaigers to battle multiple villains of past sentai heroes it looks like exciting just like Kamen Rider Decade do to transform against different villains of past Kamen Rider villains and heroes.