My comments about Kaizoku Sentai Goukaiger Characther

  • Ryota Ozawa played as Captain Marvelous/Goukai Red was look like Go-on Red on his personality and Akashi in his determination look,He's name is very questionable is he related to Maria Ozawa.
  • Yuuki Yamada played as Joe Ginbuken/Goukai Blue He's the longest hair among the team but he didn't greet us??Oh well....He looks like women but he's the most serious and the rough one he is look like Makito Ozu from Magiranger especially his height.
  • Ichimichi Mao played as Luka Milfy/Goukai Yellow She's not look like Japanese but a Caucasian beauty, but she's cutest and youngest among them.
  • Shimizu Kazuki played as Don Dockoyai/Goukai Green is just similar to Tani Chiaki from Shinkenger also being look deviant if I'm sure it will be his characteristics in the series
  • Yui Koike played as Aimu do Famiyu/Goukai Pink.I'm really familiar about her,I'm always downloading her gravure photos because she have hotness and beauty and I'm curious if she and Rina Koike (Shizuka in Kamen Rider Kiva) are siblings or cousins because they look like each other they are also beautiful.

So Goseiger gonna say byebye for the entire year and replaced by the Pirates from another Dimension the Kaizoku Sentai Goukaiger !!!!
