Bad Marketing

Philippine TV nowadays getting more and more stupid enough being a bad influence to our community to become mindless zombies. According to my acquaintance, marketing was the valid reason and we are only a fan of them, but for me they must have a space for us fans to watch the recent shows we loved.

Money matters for them while we suffer watching on the net and spend for an hour downloading anything that we found , sometimes we hard to find the copy and the most complicated was the website is banned that we feel being stereotyped by the web.While their profits high Pinoys gonna rotten their brains watching drama fags, stupid circus talent and game shows also showbiz clips for increasing gossip skills of being idiot.

Nowadays useless shows still aired to cater some dumbasses of our society being a backstabber and a gossiper to anybody that's why my experience on my work was full of back fighters and coward betrayers rough at your back but in front a pathetic sheep seek for love.

In every corner when I go outside, I've always heard about bunch of dumbasses' self analysis about the love story of whatever they watched on TV depends if it's to intellectual or to moronic.I see for themselves how they are being brainwashed about the wrong meaning of love causing Live-in partner relationship,unwanted pregnancy and non-stop meaningless romance just for fun.

TV station doesn't think about Filipino values it's all about money to gross income and to be powerful that turn us into mindless zombies of nothing ,have no future and of course to escape reality at it's finest.
