Warning: Teleseryes is dangerous to our youth.

These videos is already finished but it shows early flirtation for preadolescence stage and developed unwanted pregnancy here in the Philippines. There is also an impact of early rebellion,flirting moves also called "kilig moments",false love relationship,love is through senseless moves not on attitude and early decision being a trying hard adult results on live-in partner relationship also being a squatter family or living with parents with financial sustain in the end.

First Video- For those parents out there. Next time always accompany your children in church also including her friends to avoid some unethical moves gestures inside the church.

Second Video-In school they are always different scenes, if you remember your high school days sweethearts will always say asawa,bhe or anything called gf,bf if also includes male partner to each other, even an elementary level can do it. So always ask your children hows schooling and look his/her mood to check if there's a problem.

Third video- It's very natural to have a best-friend in an opposite sex but look the profile background of her friend if he is capable to support even they are in a relationship give her an advice that there is a limitation between them to avoid unwanted sexual contact.

Fourth Video- Parents should give attention to their children even they are busy because they are teenagers, they were easily irritated just like a toddler don't like less attention getting mad.

What is the relation of this videos to our toku-community? to become aware about gender,hobby,fandom stereotype by the commoners. If they say we are retarded, we have an evidence about the truth that they are more retarded and idiot that contribute overpopulation and poverty in the Philippines.

Why teleserye is dangerous to our youth? They represent wrong doings about love and develop early marriage, unwanted pregnancy,toleration about the role of an adult,they learn early lust moves,they rebelled easily by their elders and being flirt.
