If we are contented that Power Rangers will never rip-off a Sentai series think again??
Another adaptation will be replaced the remastered,reshrinked,resummarized,revandalized mighty morphin power rangers, adapting Samurai Sentai Shinkenger don't know what is called.
But it seems that story will be shrinked from 32 to30 or 20 episodes then another action figures 3in1 ranger+robot+motorcycle or if you wanna add to become a sword will be released, how unrelated..........
I thought it gonna be end because Shinkenger is too nationalistic which power rangers before cannot adapt because Japan was too odd in culture similar to America.The story will be worse or gonna be funk with out of this world villains including Pinoy artists , I'm not discriminating my own people but they are too pathetic in this role just like Aljur in Jungle Fury he looks like William Hung, look like comedian not as a ranger even in a Boukenger pink rip-off also a pathetic jejemon look-a-like; I would prefer Yu Takahashi played as Yuri from Kamen Rider Kiva she's a Filipino-Japanese and I'm proud of playing her role on an original series.
I wish it's only a proposal or else it will be a great suffering for us and deceiving lots of people what is an original or a copycat.