Today TV5 also deceive us as the high quality anime and toku program provider and the savior from the dark age of stupid stations of 2 and 7. Why are they change after the 1 and a half years of programming animania?
1.Anime and Toku programs used to be a tool for succession.
- Anime and Toku programs used as a starting point in creating a business am I right??This is least among the show genres in our Philippine TV until the time they become growing and popular and faced out these shows and they don't care about it.
2. From time to time if they recruit some artist from rival stations they will create new show replacing anime and toku shows.
-#1 target of Philippine TV is to increased sales and viewers all over the country. They used Anime and Toku shows to catch up some viewers with minority percentage due to brainwashing shows forgetting us what is all about being a fan.They recruit artists from rival networks from the start and aired some fewer shows to catch some viewers it's slowly, from the time comes they faced out or shrinked anime and toku series and adapt the timeslot format of 2 evil stations turn into 3.
3. Dynamically shrinking instead of growing
- We also experience going dynamic, dynamically shrinking. Tokushows are bigger during the 90's but times goes by they are more priority in anime which is imbalance to us. As you've experience they are bunch of anime shows while tokusatsu were only one,twice and thrice per year aired, it's very easy to aired but the harder is they don't want to expand because money matters.
4. Insulting Timeslots
- I love my childhood moments watched Tokusatsu series aired during 6 to 8pm on weekends before going to sleep then transfer it to afternoon which is there's no time to take a nap or your in school and work now you can watch in the morning 7:00 am?? too early,too insulting in our part because they are some people want to watch this shows but working days in the morning is the big problem. It's very okay to aired on weeknights than morning slot to relaxed themselves after work or school or replay.
5.Repeated and reused series will be reaired
- Is there something new about toku??? or another reaired tokuseries such as Ryuki,black,maskman or bioman? it's not bad to re-air but we should have sequential about these shows and not to stick with only these series because other tokuseries with the same theme is better than we watch now if you agree with me.
6.Following the flow of Pinoy TV down to the toilet
-Pinoy TV follow what is trend sometimes it could be a bad influence to our country such as dramafags creating criminals in every latest news we have particularly if you remember the hostage crisis, it's also one of the effects of drama, Last that I've heard that the hostage taker was a kapuso fan well it's obvious he is certified drama fans influenced him being a bad villain in reality.
Nowadays tokufans was more unprivileged because of what happened now in our country but there is any hope to recover our wounds from the past?