It will be a pirate-themed called Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger for the 35th anniversary of super sentai series,oh yeah just like Pirates of Carribean or a Captain Herlock story. I'm sure it could be a crossover again just like from the previous Boukenger vs. Super Sentai; They will team up with different sentai heroes if Akared is still included. I don't know if they team up with all sentai just like Gaoranger or just only team-up from Geki,Go-on,Shinken and Gosei just like Boukenger before.

Heres the details from Dukemon 22.
Found these a little while ago. The copyright numbers go from 59981 to 6002, pretty much meaing these are the real deal. I personally checked if all the copyrights are listed on IPDL, and they are. Meaning, unless there is a drastic change by Toei, Kaizoku Sentai Goukaiger is our likely title for next year's sentai.
商願2010-60000 海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー
Kaizoku Sentai Goukaiger
Pirate Sentai Goukaiger
Goukai means "heart, freespirited, heroic". But it can also mean "The Ocean of Karma." It's also possible the word "Kai" or shell has something to do with the name.
If we switch the "G" to a "K", then we get the word Koukai, or "High Seas". DaiKoukai was the rumored name for DaiVoyager at one point.
This does not displace any anniversary rumors, but it does give us our first concrete motif rumor.
PLEASE- take this with a grain of salt! like all othe rumors. Till we get an actual picture of the copyright for this title, no one should take it as anything more than a rumor. later:)
-Another rumor popped up connecting the pirate rumor to the anniversary rumor:
-The Henshin Device will indeed be a belt
-The rangers can transform into past rangers by placing FIGURES of them into their belt.
The poster of this info suggests that the rangers don't actually travel at sea (at least to any extent of time), but act more like Diend in Decade- going from world to world/land to land in a Pirate-fashion, meeting up with old heroes.
One, until I hear otherwise, I am going to romanize Goukaiger, as Go-Kaiger. This is just based on the spelling of the katana, and it's likeness to Go-onger. That said, here are the latest rumors:
-The series will have definite influence from One Piece.
-Our heroes are humans from another dimension, who can use something like "Ki". The setup is described as Gingaman-poi (i.e. Gingaman-ish)
-Our main robot is composed of a "mothership" in the form of a Pirate Ship (forms the main body), with 4 animals forming the arms and legs respectively.
-One of the bad guys will probably wear an eye patch
-One of the bad guys has a hook on his right hand, in the fashion of Captain Hook
-Bandanas are worked into the helmet designs for the rangers
But according to him it's still a rumor that could be changed in the future.

My first impression about the next series would be like Captain Herlock series fighting alien invaders with matching pirate spaceship.