I featured latest from Goseiger and the new Kamen Rider series OOO/Ozu, posting latest issues about the pathetic world of media and commoners, Tokusatsu game review and the live performances from greatest artists just like Akira Kushida singing tokuthemes that make these shows remarkable.

For this month or October I will also feature persons both individual or group,famous or infamous who are pro or an anti to become aware about the status of tokusatsu here in the Philippines, The effects of various Filipino entertainment genre like drama and talent(peryahan) that make us our image lower.

As of now I'm very disappointed due to suspension of some youtube users who provide tokushows to cater our fans because of COPYRIGHT INFRIGEMENT??? but I'm thankful there's TV-Nihon website to the rescue but all I can is very limited and only Megaupload and sendspace is the downloader, its only a single download for every single click you can't click together and can cause error, you need to wait until its done.

Just wait for the next post about the toku community in the Philippines against the stupid media and stereotypes here in the Philippines.