Philippine TV corrupt minds especially dramas

People nowadays corrupted from 90% of the Philippine TV consists with dramas from morning 'till midnight. Every single drama are recycled, remake other shows from foreign countries, revived from an old-school movie or TV series, based on pocket books and if there's no concept to create a story they're mix it up just like mixing HOGS FAVORITE DISH "KANING BABOY" then feed from the masses or commoners out there with nutritional facts of being poisonous mind about love.

When you watched them time to time it could be very tired due to recycled casts,flirt moments,rip-off scenes from the popular shows, an hour or exceed full of saying do,I do, I do what????,unstoppable love teams which is untrue and using masses to become morons,always martyrdom from the protagonist even she can fight for her right,fight for greed,lust and vengeance and the last, mall tour with bunch of idiots yelling with nothing influenced them what are they do as the character do.

The following I said reflect on the attitude of the Filipinos right now with the wrong perception about love and the impact of the overpopulation in the Philippines particularly downtown areas. Another impact is the attitude of Filipinos luring in evil way to his fellow one from younger to older ones. I wish it couldn't continue for the sake of money from the media, they can affect personal lives to become corrupted.
