In this battle between PR-shit fans, neutral wannabes and the SS Purists, i can't help but laugh on how stressed the post of one particular guy, who pretends to be a neutral but in reality a fan of PR-shit who pretends to be a fan of SS. The funnier thing about he and his kind is that they make lengthy posts without true substance. Now let us enumerate some of the stupid arguments that he and his kind would say in their posts.Now he and his kind may argue, why are we still calling PR-shit bootleg? We've already answered that in a previous article.

01. Stupid Old School Blogger:"They can call me a traitor all they want, a retard but as said, I'd rather not waste my time arguing with them."

       Let us go to the first argument. He thinks the SS Purists regard him as a traitor. Contrary to what he claimed, SS Purists don't see him as a traitor but a total idiot who chose to pick up a piece of shit over a precious stones. He said, he won't waste his time arguing with SS Purists. But on his posts, you can see he is arguing right? You can now see how he contradicted his own claim of not arguing. A simple message to that dumb-ass. Don't fool us. You are affected on what the SS purists were posting and you are arguing with them. Admit it and deal with it.Now let's go to the second argument.

02. Stupid Old School Blogger:"When it comes to discussing with the Super Sentai purists, I think it's time to really bring the legal law dictionary on their faces to stop their nonsense."

      He thought that the SS Purists have no knowledge about legalities. Of course we all know that BY LEGAL TERMS, BOOTLEG WERE ANYTHING THAT ARE PRODUCED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. But we are not talking about legalities here. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SUBSTANCE. By substance, bootleg is no different from copy-cat, imitation, replica or fake. They just vary in FORM but the same SUBSTANCE. It is funny that this moron can't discuss about SUBSTANCE and FORM that we are using here. Perhaps he is an idiot who don't understand it? Just asking.Any way let's go to the third argument.

03. Stupid Old School Blogger:"To say Power Rangers is not an adaptation is in a way, challenging anybody who has at least read a business dictionary."

        It was his tactic to use another platform to defend that PR-Shit is an adaptation. He is using business terms but his argument is red herring. We are arguing based on the definition of adaptation which was already posted in this blog. What again is adaptation? It is like this. A COMIC BOOK TURNED INTO A MOVIE, A MANGA TURNED INTO AN ANIME SERIES, A LITERARY PIECE TURNED INTO A STAGE PLAY. In other words, THE SAME CONTENT, BUT DIFFERENT MEDIUM. How can PR-shit qualified to an adaptation if the medium is the same but the content is altered? He is stupid isn't he? Now let's go to his fourth stupidity.

04. Stupid Old School Blogger: "Power Rangers is a localization and adaptation, made to fit for the American audiences."

         By the TECHNICAL DEFINITION OF ADAPTATION, PR-SHIT DOESN'T QUALIFY. It is only a localization. Yes it is localized ONLY FOR THE AMERICAN AUDIENCES. It is funny however that it was distributed overseas if it was localized for American audiences. Very very stupid indeed. Now let's go to the fifth stupidity of this blogger.

05.Stupid Old School Blogger: "The Sentai purists might say, "Oh it's just business and nothing more." 

        There are no other meaning of the meeting of SS and PR-shit actors but business. I thought this blogger has any sort of common sense. Would he like to argue that the SS actors did it for free? That they don't come as professionals but only going to a party? Very moronic if you ask me. Even a guest speaker on a conference receive payment for his talk s and lectures. Unless he could prove that THE SENTAI ACTORS DID IT FOR FREE then, the argument that it was all business is invalid. Now we have two more stupidities, let's go to the sixth one.

06.Stupid Old School Blogger: "Why did Takumi Hashimoto, Reiko Chiba and Aohisa Takayasu show up the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention? "

       Perhaps now you can see that the other blogger LACKS COMMON SENSE. Of course that was work related. Again, is he trying to argue that the SS actors went to a party? He is indeed stupid. Now let's go to his final stupid argument.

07. Stupid Old School Blogger:"When we take a look at Power Rangers, why didn't Toei sue Saban and why is Toei's name in the credits?!"

          He is asking why didn't Toei sued Saban? This question makes me laugh on my sit honestly. I thought he already knew that Saban purchased the rights to recreate PR-shit through licensing. He already knew that then why is he still asking that question? And he thought that SS Purists don't know that. Of course SS Purists know that. That is simple common sense.

Conclusion: We thought that those PR-shit fans and neutral wannabes are smart. In reality they are not. By the way, some of you might ask why did we label that stupid blogger as a CAVE MAN. Very simple. He kept on posting about old SS but not making posts about the newer ones. If he post, those are rare as the common sense that are left on his brain.He is like someone who still chose to live in the style of THE OLD STONE AGE while we are now facing THE SPACE AGE. These guys really chose to be sleeping on their own delusions. They deserve to be hit on their heads with a bottle of tecquilla.

By Guyferd20 and Photos Credits from Gekichopper


Unknown said…
This caveman moron doesn't know how to give up, I'd sure wanna slap his ass!
Wingzero9160 said…
Everyone on earth has to eat and has bills to pay. The ss actors are no exception, if they are offered to get paid for just appearing on some event: why will they turn down a free meal ticket? All actors have to get a share from the event's money, they all have to make a living some how and when the opportunity shows up why turn easy money down?
Wingzero9160 said…
And just because they show up to event with those 3rd rate actors from pr, that don't mean they support each other.
Unknown said…
Even if they take photos together, or even they try to smile with them, we on behave of the true Toku fandom know that. PR shit actors don't support SS, and as well we know the SS actors kinda have a lot of envy or something like that, and I know the SS actors kinda hate the PR shiters... Or even better, you might never know if our be loving actors are kinda taking trash against those bootleggers! Then again, the reveal shall be funny!

Love the originals, and trash those lame imposers who stole the spotlight!
SoloJones1985 said…
Riiiight. So unless you can outright prove that Austin and Yuuta hate each other's guts and the fact that the sentai actors hate the PR actors especially Yoshi Sudarso, I'd like to see it.

Again Garay, you keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means
Anonymous said…
Yoshi Sudarso is a Jobber asshole. Aaron Woodleg Bootleg is a certified coward with no balls to confront. Go eat your own dick asshole!!!
Unknown said…
Aaron Wood, do you never ask yourself that... You're a terrible liar, and just like JeShit Fusion who lied the Red Mask actor before. That's an example on why you neutrals are leathery the worst kind of fandom, just like the LGBT Brony fans... But more poisonous, and liars!

Then Again, the revale shall be funny, you little skrub!

*360 YOLO SWAG NoWordSkoped yo ass*