For the sake of argument, let us compare the definition of bootleg, copy-cat, imitation and fake.

Bootleg:To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally.  

Imitation:Something that is made or produced as a copy.

Copy-cat:One that closely imitates or mimics another.

Fake:An object that is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people.

             These are four words that we SS Purists use to describe what PR is. It is funny how the PR-shit fans get angry on the way we regard PR as bootleg. Now let us clarify why we SS Purists use the term bootleg to define PR-shit if it is legally produced via the buying of license of Saban to create his abominations. The reason is very simple. SUBSTANCE. As you can see, these four different words that we post here were words of varied FORMS. An imitation or copy-cat could be legal just like the remakes of foreign shows done in the Philippines. But if we look closely at the SUBSTANCE of each word, they are pointing the same. They are all attempts to recreate something to look real. They just vary on FORM which in this case is legality. They failed to realize that there is something that should be looked beyond FORM which is SUBSTANCE.

        Let us take the case of GAVAN BOOTLEG on the cross-over movie, Gokaiger Vs Gavan. Was Gavan Bootleg an illegal reproduction? Of course not. He was a legal product of Toei Company Limited, an idea they made themselves. But why was he called bootleg despite being legally produced by Toei? The answer is the CONTEXT. In the context of the movie, Gavan Bootleg was made by Makuu as a duplicate of Gavan. But let us always remember, Makuu and Gavan Bootleg are properties of Toei and are produced legally. That is another CONTEXT. The same goes with PR-shit. In the CONTEXT OF LEGALITY, PR-shit is not bootleg because of how Saban was able to purchase license. But in THE CONTEXT OF ORIGINALITY, PR-Shit could be labeled as either bootleg, imitation, copy-cat and fake because the main element of the show were an attempt to replicate the contents of Super Sentai. The funnier thing is that when we speak about SUBSTANCE and FORM with the addition of CONTEXT, they cannot answer. Why? Because these concepts are beyond vocabulary. We could say, these are rather philosophical, a higher form of knowledge to be exact. And also, let us bear in mind that words could vary meaning depending on the context. Let us give another example. The word SALVAGE. In the context of United States, it means saving someone. But in the Philippine context, it means killing. Were the Philippines wrong on using it? No. Because there is a different context on both countries. The Filipinos have already it's own words regarding saving someone.

            It is very funny however that the ones criticizing the SS Purists are the same PR-shit fans who are BACKWARD and RETROGRESSIVE in terms of the new ideas in SS. They criticize the newer ones but do not watch them to see the content thoroughly. These are the people who LIVE A STONE AGE STYLE IN THE DIGITAL AGE. In the end of the day, we could all say that these people all refuse to see the light.


Unknown said…
*Touches all glass cups, to his brothers, and sisters of true Tokusatsu!*

Cheers mate, together we are strong, spread the truth always!
Wingzero9160 said…
Even if they say it's legal pr will never be ss
TCP said…
Now he's giving up, for the old school moron post more blunder entries on your Stupid Old School Blog DORK!! LOL
Anonymous said…
Why not view Power Rangers and Super Sentai as separate series and judge them if they can stand on their own?