The True Tokusatsu fans Supports the Original and Bash Bootlegs (By RyuuseiSword)

         Some Bootleg Fantards are getting old when they refused that Power Rangers is a Bootleg of Super Sentai. And what the hell is that you called Sentai Purist? Well we purist loves Kamen Rider,Super Sentai ,Metal Hero, Ultraman and other Japanese Tokusatsu series.Thos Neutral Wannabes are true FANTARDS or we called it BOOTLEG FANTARDS.

            The saying " if you don't like the show, don't watch it! " is a pathetic excuse for those real fantards who are geting butthurt on this blog.We hate? or you hated too much about Purists who are tougher in some arguments. Saying Sentai Fantard is a big corny joke for me, because the raging idiot is the real sentai + PR fantard.I watch all Japanese Tokusatsu from old to new,I'm a flexible Tokufan didn't stick to one generation. Those whiner assholes are just pretending for saying Sentai/PR Fantard but raging like a Alcoholic Idiot is more fantard than I expected.

        It's really funny for a question "Is it wrong for a Super Sentai fan to also love Power Rangers? " It's between yes or no ,or true or false.You can't answer as Tralse idiot.Pure Sentai is good and Bootleg Ranger is bad because its fake. If  Power Rangers isn't bootleg or fake ,how's some footages grabbed by the original Super Sentai series? can you called it original work? I'd prefer that Power Ranger shit to become independent as Tatooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills series than rebooting Sentai footages.Saban franchised Super Sentai and having a licensed but looks unlicensed. There's a reason why that pathetic Saban gonna vandalized and disgust Super Sentai into a parody ,spoof,freakshow entitled Power Rangers.Do I need some pathetic comrades of yours, just to please everyone? I don't need an antagonist to be my comrades and just standing on my ideas to clarify and cleanse all bootlegs.Joining on those pathetic antagonist is a sign of being a pathetic coward to become a slave or an underdog.I'm a Blogger who can stand against Bootleg assholes just like you and not joining moronic asshole because you weak as a pathetic coward chick.It's hard to some Old Fart Blogger to join to a younger one ,because you're a certified COWARD.

          Super Sentai girls > Power Rangers girls is a real thing.Toei choose Japanese Young girls who are hot and in attitude unlike Power Ranger girl who proclaiming "Teenagers with an attitude" is far from the Sun if you watch this shit assholes.PR Girls are look older than SS Girls. Mei is cuter,younger and a fighter than Kimberly who just like a slut trashtalker for me,, and Mei is more fighter than Kimberly. Copying the word Fantard from my blog,makes you more FANTARD. There's no Super Sentai fantard you delusional Bootleg Undertard.Well you're saying the battle between Sentard and PRFantard  is a big corny jokes of yours, you are PRFantrd..WTF you're a BOOTLEG FANTARD's UNDERTARD.You're empty headed Bootleg Undertard being a whore in a battle between Tokusatsu Purist and Bootleg Fantards.

           It's really stupid for others about the Episode 5 of Akibaranger Season 2,that they cannot take the truth about the Power Rangers is a localized but a Bootleg as you've seen on their episodes.I have to say this for this Bootleg Fantard who want to please every assholes,Are you an idiot? You can't defend you own against those shits.I remember the saying "If you can't beat them join them" is a pathetic inspiring quote for those cowards who can't defend themselves.Instead of mocking around and ranting for being stupid and scared to bootlegs,why you can't post any updates about Super Sentai?. What is the sense of creating Super Sentai Blog if your not flexible from old to new,even the worse you included Power Rangers. Well your losing INTEGRITY,because you're a sore loser.


Anonymous said…
Well you are still in school , that's why you are not graduated because your supporting bootleg. I think your from Special School Kindergarten level, that's why your level of thinking is IMBECILE WAHAHAHAHA.
Codebreaker said…
I don't think a school would leave you back for liking a show. That's pretty fucking retarded if you think that. But then again everything that comes out out of your putrid mouth is retarded. Also, I don't go to any special schools or classes. I'm in High School. You probably attend special schools because you still don't the difference between your (possession) and you're (You are) I know I'm not the brightest person, but compared to you, I'm Albert Einstein.
Anonymous said…
Really? Why you are still in high school for a 30 years old? and your albert einstein? hahahah what the fuckin dumbass!!!!wahahahha HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN!!!!!I'm brighter than you because I'm a manager of the company while you are a retarded high school student from special school WTF HAHAHAHAH
Codebreaker said…
I never said I was 30 years old, you dumb fuck. I'm actually 18 (I'm a senior btw). I'm not saying that I am Albert Einstein, dumbfuck. I'm saying that in comparison to you I'd BE Albert Einstein. No, you are not bright. You are not bright at all. Judging by your dumbass "comments" I can tell that you were home-schooled by a potato. Yes, I am a High School veteran thanks for the compliment, kid. I never attended any special schools. Also, why would I be in a special-ed school if I'm already in High School? Seriously, where are you getting this information from?

LOL. I can't believe I'm hearing this... You're a manager? First off, are you a manager of THE company or are you a manager of A company, dumbshit. If you were a manager, then humanity would die. Since humanity isn't dead yet, that means you are not a manager. And therefore, you are lying. You don't have to lie to yourself, kid. Because you're not fooling me you're only fooling yourself. I don't know what kind of "company" you go to that allows you to be a manager. But if they did, they must be pretty fucking desperate. I can clearly see that you have no dignity in yourself whatsoever and that you are not ready give a good argument. Or at least an argument at all. You could of just admit the fact that you were wrong and just call it a day. But NO. You keep coming up with these poor excuse for "arguments" just to satiate your own self-endorsed ego. Seriously, LET GO OF YOUR PRIDE. Do you really want to let your parents know that this is what they raised? A man-child of a human being that parades around thinking that he'll accomplish something by hating on a kid's show? But hey, if that's the way you want live your life that's your own fault not mine.
Anonymous said…
I'm a manager of the fastffod, while you are still studying high school for 10 years,If your the student all humanity will perish dork. That's why you are not graduated in high school because of bootlegs. Stop making DUMBASS EXCUSES KIDDORK!!!!! WAHAHHAHAJust faced it you just getting some excuse that shaider is aired in 1984 in Japan, but in the Philippines did you know the year? your just making this dumbass excuse BOOTLEG MORON.
Anonymous said…
Am I copying or you copying what I'm saying, because your an old fart 30 years old high school veteran. I think high school teacher loves you to repeat high school many times. Stop plagiarizing my comments, YOU'RE A FUCKIN BOOTLEG AHHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
At least I'm graduated in college and I'm professional than your are, that's why you are a repeater, How old are you? 30 Years old right? but acting as a 3 year old brat!!! Such a shame for your parents!!! hahahah, I'm an independent on my own and invest my own house, while you are depending on your parents buying those fuckin bootlegs. All your comments are BIG SHIT , stop plagiarizing my comments CODEBOOTLEG!!!
Anonymous said…
Embarass yourself!!! You're a loser!!!! I'm a manager and your a old fart high school veteran without any future, You're 18 or 80? Stop denying. I'm gonna embarrass you now for being dumbass in Tokusatsu also in academics. I'm graduated last 2007 with good academics, while your still in high school for almost 10 years. Is there 4th Year in other countries? MORON!!! In junior and senior high school is 3 years not 4 years. I thought you are from overseas, but you're in the Philippines studying at Special School. Stop plagiarized my comments Seantard "Codebootleg Mongoloid" Akizuki, I'm gonna embarass you more!!!!HAHAHA
Codebreaker said…
Yes you are copying off of my comments. How come you're still accusing me of being 30 years old when I already gave you my actual age? Do you have short-term memory loss or something? Also I never repeated High School or any school at all. Don't know why you keep saying it when I never done it. How come I'm plagiarizing off of your comments when you're the one plagiarizing off of mine? Stop switching my words around. And again, why are you using a word that describes an illegal product of something as an insult? These "comments" are really repetitive and really pathetic. Look kid, If you're not going to try to put up a valid argument then don't say anything at all.
Anonymous said…
You're 18? your lying, I don't have memory gaps,but you are why? because you a high school, veteran, Stop switching comments Codebootleg, Your plagiarizing!!!If you can't say anything , send help to Google It's free!!! hahahah
Anonymous said…
You are always saying to me that I'm kid? but you are acting as a kid, Old Brat High School Veteran, you're not 18 your 80 years old in your physical body but acting as a 3 years old brat loser. Graduate,Graduate HIGH SCHOOL if there's a time for you. You need to read books what is the meaning of BOOTLEG , PLAGIARISTS!!! hahahah
Codebreaker said…
How dare you!!! If I'm gonna see you I will suck your dick anon, I promise! and I will tell dad that you are so mean!!! huhuhu
Anonymous said…
FUCK!!! you're a faggot High School veteran, I'm gonna hit a baseball bat in your face!!! eeeewwwwww.....
Anonymous said…
Hey!!! Asshole Faggot!!!! answer me!!! pathetic coward always plagiarizing my words, that's why you are still in High School, Codebootleg GO GET A JOB AND EAT MORE PLANNERS FOR 2016. PATHETIC FAGGOT!!!
Anonymous said…
At least I'm graduated with a good job and life, unlike you , you are still raised by your parents as a fucking brat under the basement, and cannot passed Highschool, WHAT A HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN, ARE YOU ALBERT EINSTEIN? NO YOU HAVE POOR GRADES IN HIGH SCHOOL, THE HOMINID IS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU.
Codebreaker said…
I am not embarrassing myself. And I am no loser. Saying that you're a manager of a fast food restaurant is not a valid argument. Yes I do have a future. My future is to not grow up being an idiotic, plagiarizing liar called "Anonymous". How's that for a fucking future? You never embarrassed me at all. You embarrassed yourself LOTS of times by making these atrocities you call "comments". Oh, so you "graduated" in 2007. Sure... I'm pretty sure that was the year you were born. Again there is only 4 years in High School. A Freshman (First year), a Sophomore (Second year), a Junior (Third year), and a Senior (Fourth year). If you were a so-called "college graduate" you would know this. I don't live in a foreign country, I live in America. I already pointed that out weeks ago. I still do not know who Seantard is and why you're accusing me of being him. These insults are getting old real fast. Here's a challenge: Make a "comment" addressing all the points that I have made thus far. If you don't, then I win this argument no matter how you put it.
Anonymous said…
FUCK OFF!!! Highschool in the US is 6 years you're DUMBFUCKIN MORON. 4 years in Highschool is already faced out. that means you are so late at 18 years old for 4th year.You're outdated, and I know you're a MORON with no FUTURE , Poor knowledge in Tokusatsu and academics makes yourself a HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN!!! Click the link below about the education in the US. HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN LOL
The Technician said…
The Technician said…
Anonymous said…
A fuckin asshole,your grammar sucks codebootleg, that's why you are still in high school. I'm independent, while your relying to your parents. Stop lying that your 18 , you are 30 year old high school veteran!!!! hahahahha
Anonymous said…
Stop making excuses Codebootleg... my grammar is greater than you high school veteran. Don't worry Seantard's poser account, I already spotted your stupid and dumbass rants kiddork. If I'm 5 you're acting as 3 year old brat, totally worse hahaha
Anonymous said…
Codebootleg you didn't know how many years in high school, it's K-12 , are you an American or a fuckin alien Seantard??? You're dumb kid, read more English to graduate in High School, Veteran DUMBASS.
Anonymous said…
Hey fuckin asshole!!! You didn't know K-12 in the US, I'm sure your in the Philippines, asshole, keep it up kiddork. I'm a college grad with a good job and investing my own house, while your ranting on the basement wth your parents, because you are retarded. You didn't know about the basement? GOOGLE IT , IT'S FREE!!!! Fix your English Grammar and stop plagiarizing to graduate in High School, VETERAN XD
Anonymous said…
If I were you STUDY HARD, HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN, You are not from the US , you are from the Philippines. K-12 is from Kinder to Grade 12, not K-13 FUCKIN IDIOT. SEANTARD ASSHOLE KIDDORK WAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
There is no K-13 Codebootleg!!! your not in the USA, there is no 4th year high school, fuckin idiot,Kiddork is the combination of acting as a brat kid and a dork, dumbass. Fix your grammar to be graduated in high school. K-13? College? Did American know that? hahahahahah GRADUATE, GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL IF THERE IS TIME HAHAHAHA ASSHOLE KID.
Codebreaker said…
Are you joking or are you literally this fucking stupid? You still did not address all the points that I have made. K-13 is Kindergarten to College (the 13th Grade), you idiot. How do you know that I'm not from the USA when that's the country that I was born in? What makes you think that I'm from the Philippines? You must be living under a rock if you did not know there are 4 years in High School. A Freshman (First year), a Sophomore (Second Year), a Junior (Third year), and a Senior (Fourth year). You clearly never went to High School if you don't know this simple concept, you lying prick. "Kiddork" is not a word no matter how you put it. Don't make shit up. Just because you combined two words together doesn't make it a new word. Neither is saying things like "fantard" and "Codebootleg". Name me one person besides you who goes around saying shit like "kiddork", idiot. Really kid? Don't make shitty justifications for that abomination you call "grammar", you hypocritical, smug prick. No one can be this fucking stupid. But we have living proof that it's possible. I need to fix my grammar? When did I ever make those mistakes? List them. Yes 13th grade is college. How come you did not know this? I thought you "graduated" college 8 years ago. Oh there is plenty of time for me to graduate. I'll be graduating next year. If you're going to lie just to promote your own self-endorsed ego. You already lost an argument that you were never going to win.
Anonymous said…
Your joking on yourself!!!! ASSHOLE , stop copy aqnd paste my comments, you plagiarizing, Grade 13 is for repeaters like you, THERE I NO GRADE 13, MORON!!!, K-12 is different from college. Your GRAMMAR SUCKS, that's why you are not graduated in highschool 30 year old HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN SMUG PRICK LOSER!!!
Anonymous said…
Correcting my grammar? or you just copy pasting my comments because you don't have any idea to confront me on my comments against you? WHAT THE HELL IS K-13, even Americans will laugh at you!!! hahahaha, I'm not hurt on your dumbass comments, You are Bootleg Butthurt because you admit yourself that you are a HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN, Stop lying that you are 18, you are 30 from the Philippines, and I know you are Sean Akizuki, stop disguising on you poser accounts. Such a DUMBASS who didn't know about American Education. K-13 in YOUR FACE BOOTLEG LIAR. Your totally cried by now, try to EAT MORE PLANNERS FOR 2016 , and write on your plans to fixed your English Grammar to graduate in High School that you stay for almost 10 years. KIDDORK MORON XD.
Anonymous said…
You have no future in your life , because you are still relying to your parents, too much explanation with no substance, that's why you are still not graduating in high school. K-13 WTF? Dumbass!!!
Anonymous said…
Am I lying? no!!! because I'm already a professional manager for 5 years, your so bitter codebootleg, that's why you have no future in your life. Your repeating what I'm saying because you are very unlucky supporting bootlegs. Your grammar really sucks, you are not from the US , you are from the Philippines, you didn't know about US Education. Go to the mountains SEANTARD AND EAT MORE PLANNER FOR 2016.!!!
Anonymous said…
Saying to me that I'm lying is a lamest excuse for a loser like you, and correcting my grammar? your not good in english, you are a fuckin liar, you didn't know K-12 and there is no 4th year in high school, that's why you are not American, Your a poser from nowhere kid... Your a loser that's why you are bitter in my profession . I'm a manager while you are a high school veteran, you're pathetic to be honest, WORK YOUR ASS OFF AS A TRASH COLLECTOR MORON!!!! That's why you're a 30 year old acting as a 18 year old wannabe, eat more calendars,planners and English books to graduate in high school, VETERAN XD.
Anonymous said…
You repeated many many times, that I'm a liar, but I'm just saying the truth because you cannot take it by yourself loser. Well is that my fault if this blogger didn't accept your comments? because you're a sore loser high school veteran, Your lying that you are 18 , but 30 in reality. Your a fuckin brat kid! get your own life and be independent, 30 year old bootleg brat. hahahahah
Anonymous said…
Codebootleg you such a dumbass, high School in the US is six years not four years, that proves yourself that you are from the Philippines. You're so bitter to me, that I'm graduate in College and already a manager, STUDY HARD AND FIX YOUR ENGLISH GRAMMAR KIDDORK. Do you have a prove about K-13? and 4 years in High School? Give me a link you Shitass Idiot!!
Codebreaker said…
Here you go again, repeating the same arguments... Kid, we've been over this... I already listed the 4 years in High School how come you couldn't see it? Are you blind? Do you have short-term memory loss? Give me proof on how there is 6 years instead 4. Where are the other two, you dense fuck. You obviously never been to High School if you think there is 6 years in High School. Just because you don't know the perks of High School doesn't mean I'm from the Philippines, idiot. That's a pretty retarded argument. Again, where the fuck are my grammar mistakes? List them. I don't know why you keep ignoring that part. Can you yourself PROVE my grammar sucks? Also, saying dumb phrases like "kiddork", "bootleg fantard", "Seantard" only proves that you need to fix your grammar but you're too fucking blind to even realize that. Stay in English class, kid. You can learn a few tips from your English teacher. You really are stupid. I already gave you the link don't know why you couldn't see it. "Shitass idiot!!" Wow totally not bitter... Kid...Really? You clearly have nothing intelligent to say. All you can do is make the same, repetitive arguments that have already been answered. You just took being desperate to a whole other level.

Proof that there is K-13 and that you are lying:

Read the WHOLE thing instead of the parts that you like.

Proof that there are FOUR years in High School and that you are mental:

Again, read the whole damn thing instead of the parts that you like you lazy fuck. And if you STILL think that there are 6 years in High School I will take it as an offense and I will give you a link to a VERY surprising source. Again address all the points that I have made and explain your lies or I will post the source.
Anonymous said…
The reason why I repeated this to you? because you are not from the US, I already gave the link about |US Education, and your denying. There is no 4th year MORON. Did your English teacher passed your subject in Highschool, I think not ? why? because you are still a HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. I don't have memory loss, because you are fuckin ignorant about US , you're an American wannabe but a Poser Loser under the basement of hell. Study hard about English to graduate in High School, don't worry I'm gonna throw a big sack of penny to become a gradute moron. We'll you didn't know the word "penny" kiddork, GOOGLE IT,IT'S FREE!!!
Anonymous said…
You're a poser from the Philippines, give me link if there's 4th year high school and grade 13 in the US. You're a fuckin dumb both academics and toku , kid. That's why you are still unlucky 30 year old High School veteran. If I were you go back to the rocky mountains and eat soil. I'm a manager for five years, while you are 10 years in high school, so what's the difference? Pretending to be a genius? because you are just escaping yourself for being an asshole and failure to your family. Your the most retarded both school, family and Toku-fandom. Americans gonna laugh at your Grade 13 and first year high school shit you have. You're a mentally challenged hiding in your mommy, are you a spoiled brat to your family, that's why you are still staying at high school for one decade. GO GET A JOB AND EAT MORE CALENDARS AND PLANNERS FOR 2016 CODEBOOTLEG KIDDORK MORON XD, GRADUATE ,GRADUATE IF THERE IS TIME FOR YOU TO GRADUATE.
Anonymous said…
WTF you give me useless links from Youtube. You didn't give me an Education Link that proves that there is 4th year high school and grade 13 in the US. Well YOUR THE MOST PATHETIC DUMBASS HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN WHO DON'T HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE BOTH TOKU AND ACADEMICS.
Anonymous said…
Your link is for dumbass like you, I'd prefer the education website, not that fuckin youtube link. You're the most pathetic asshole around the world making some dumbass excuses. That's why you are still in High School for almost a decade kid, Poor asshole, study hard, fix your english grammar and work your ass off, not relying to your parents. Just kill yourself because your a shit to your family who are already disable for being patiently waiting for your graduation in high school, I'm feel sorry to your parents.GRADUATE ,GRADUATE IF THERE IS TIME ASSHOLE!!!!
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHHA BOOTLEG BUTTHURT!!! Why are you so mad??? because it is true that you are a highschool veteran!!!, that's why you're unlucky because you are a fuckin loser. I'm judging your stupid and idiotic attitude, because you cannot fix your attitude that's why you are still a high school veteran. Study hard not that fuckin youtube videos that I watched. You blaming the Toku fandom and supporting bootlegs, that's why you are a fuckin loser, I feel sorry to your parents , that you are a sore loser in your family... tsk...tsk.... Eat more PR dicks ASSHOLE KIDE XD.
Anonymous said…
I love this hobby making fun of this mentally challenged 3o years old high school veteran. I'm not lying being a manager and I'm very professional than you. You're lying about grade 13 and 4th year high school, you are from the Philippines not in the US. Don't worry you want to talk to an American to kick your pee brain head? I'm from the Philippines and I have some American friends who didn't know that 4th year and grade 13 shit. Stop lying poser, I know who you are.
Anonymous said…
Well I'm not delusional, I'm just saying the truth because you are bitter High School Veteran Idiot, that's why your unlucky and your parents gonna kick your fuckin ass to work because you are 30 years old MORONIC KID. You're too delusional that you are Einstein , but a fuckin hominid in reality. You are BITTER OLD BRAT WHO STAY IN HIGH SCHOOL FOR A DECADE. Didn't know the word "Decade" Idiot? GOOGLE IT!!!, IT'S FREE!!!!
Anonymous said…
Too much denial makes you bitter, because your a high school veteran idiotic kiddork. Why am I lying to you? because you are totally hurt on what I am saying, you didn't give me any link from .edu about grade 13 and 4th year high school that proves that you are not from the US poser. Your a 30 years old down syndrome lying on the basement' floor, such a pathetic loser even your parents hated you for being a old spoiled brat. The way you talk makes you an intelligent wannaber, but a fuckin imbecile in reality. You're lying at your age being 18, You are 30 years old POSER and you are from the PHILIPPINES. Your an asshole from nowhere, social reject, high school veteran acting as an out of school youth drop-out and uneducated freak. Poor loser even your parents gonna kick your big ass for being a failure in your family.
Anonymous said…
This blog is a BIG TRASH , you don't have any post from your blog? because you're a fuckin moron who cannot explain anything. Finish your high school first before you post in your TRASH BLOG.
Anonymous said…
I'm already finish elementary in 2001 MORONIC KID. Because your making pathetic excuses by now, you are totally butthurt what am I saying to you, because you cannot accept the reality that you are a loser and a Tokufan wannabe but a pathetic poser. Your a high school veteran but acting as an pre-school veteran. Poor dork, your parents gonna hate you for being an asshole in your family. I'm already a manager, and just accept it ,because your a fuckin loser kiddork. You're hating yourself being a tokufan because your a BOOTLEG FANTARD.
Anonymous said…
You are just envy on my achievements,because your a loser. Your lying that you're 18 years old, grade 13 shit and a 4th year high school, that makes yourself a poser, you're not from the US. I'm more Tokufan than you because you hating yourself being a fan because your a fuckin bootleg loser. Grammar? fix your English grammar to be graduated this year or else extend for a decade because your an uneducated asshole.Giving me useless links instead of .edu links.

Eat it asshole!!!
Anonymous said…
Enumerate more codebootleg, but all of them are useless, because too much talk makes you an moronic asshole. We getting around the circles because your a fuckin moron. GRADUATE ,GRADUATE IN HIGH SCHOOL IF THERE IS TIME FOR YOU DORK!!!
Anonymous said…
Hahahahaha your prove yourself that your a fuckin moron, enumerating all of them are really moronic, why it proves for yourself that your a high school veteran. Do you think your win?? in your dreams idiot. Your just getting butthurt on what I'm saying. Your acting as a 2 year old brat with no IQ. Albert Einstein wannabe go dream on being a high school graduate but you will stay for another 10 years.
Anonymous said…
What is the use of this debate? or you just getting around the circles because you didn't prove nothing about 4th year high school and grade 13, and what your a 18 years old? or a 30 year old retarded from basement. It proves that I won on the debate. Don't need to speak? because you are scared that your are too old for being a high school shit KIDDORK. We are getting around the circles because your a LOSER.
Anonymous said…
I thought you are intelligent? but you don't have any post from your blog? because your ENGLISH SUCKS, just STUDY HARD TO GRADUATE IN HIGH SCHOOL. I cannot see any blog entries on this ASSWIPE BLOG OF YOURS CODEBOOTLEG.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahah your giving up on a debate!!! I like your spirit KIDDORK coward in a poser account named Codebreaker, but you are Codebootleg. Enumerate this dumbass comments make you butthurt enough , don't speak ? because you are scared that you are talking to a professional, poor HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. You are from the Philippines and you are SEANTARD AKIZUKI. I'm started the DEBATE? or you started this CODEBOOTLEG? Because you cannot handle the heat loser, that's why you are unlucky in your life and your parents hated you for forcing them to by your favorite bootleg stuff like power rangers, instead of studying hard to graduate in high school. So I need to throw $100 in your face to graduate in high school? because you're teacher think to you that you are feeling 18 years old, but a 30 year old acting as a 2 year old brat retarded. STUDY HARD AND GRADUATE IN HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE YOUR TEACHERS GONNA KICK YOU FACE ,BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKIN DUMB.
Anonymous said…
You have blog? but no entries to post because you are HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN DUMBASS!!! This asswipe blog WTF. Do you have any ideas from this blog? Your parents,teachers and your neigboirhood thinks that you are a mentally challenged under your basement, you need a psychotherapy Seantard Akizuki hahahah get you own life and work your ass of LOSER.
Anonymous said…
Making blog with no entries??? Oh common what a MOST PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN LIKE YOU!!!. Hahahaha enumerating all dumbass comments makes you butthurt. You are lying on your age and country, I think you google the word HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, hahaha didn't know about USA because your a POSER. Just accept it that I'm a currently manager at the fast food, I'm just a Toku fan and I don't need any blog, because I earn a lot, I love following this blog Tokupinoy. Unlike yourself your a FUCKIN BITTER MORON doing nothing but to rant instead of focusing on studies, that's why you are unlucky 30 year old HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN LOSER. Even your parents gonna hit your head to be more intelligent in a practical way, stop being AMERICAN WANNABE, it not gonna help you.
Anonymous said…
Your the most FUCKIN COWARD WITH BUNCH OF PATHETIC EXCUSES ALL OF THE GALAXY. Poor dork your just waiting for my response instead of studying at your BASEMENT. Google the word "BASEMENT" FUCKIN IDIOT!!!. XD American Wannabe, WTF IS 4TH YEAR HIGH SCHOOL AND GRADE 13? Your a poser Codebootleg, you are from the Philippines, just admit it.
Anonymous said…
Hahahah CODEBOOTLEG IS BOOTLEG BUTTHURT!!!. Just admit it that you are a POSER LOSER , enumerating all things ,but still didn't pass in high school, how many years before the principal gonna kicks your ass? We'll I'm enjoying my work being a manager, hiding in an anonymous,just find my profile if you want, because you are BUTTHURT. What a pathetic creature that I encounter, ranting around this blog instead of focusing his studies to get the DIPLOMA. We'll the Talkative High School Veteran Loser is getting on a lose, you lose the debate because your a BOOTLEG BUTTHURT. I'm coll headed because I'm a professional, unlike you , you're so uneducated 30 year old high school veteran poser, Seantard common SHOW OFF!!!
Anonymous said…
Butthurt enough???? Hahahaha because you are offended on what I am saying Dumb Kid, Go back to your studies , you are still immature 30 YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. I have a short term memory? or you have learning gaps because your a high school veteran? Stop watching Bootlegs and focus on your studies, to be one of my crews on a fastfood chain , dumbfucking retarded high school veteran!!! BUTTHURT!!! XD
Anonymous said…
I'm already a professional while you are a High School Veteran acting as a pre-school dumbass, poor asshole study hard!!!. You make repetitive answers not mine. Because you are truly BUTTHURT. Go home and study well!! Eat more planners for 2016 and 2017!! Stop lying that you are 18, you are 30. You are already an Adult who didn't know anything from the academics to Tokufandom. Your a failure in your family because you watch Power Ranger, this pathetic bootleg shows is for the mentally challenged like you together with your gay friends Mikey Bootleg, Bootleg McKnight, Aaron Woodleg Bootleg and Seantard Mongoloid Akizuki.
Anonymous said…
I'm not gonna believe that you are already pissed off and repeated my comments, why? because you are out of ideas. Repeating? or you are just butthurt on what I'm saying, because it is true that you are high school veteran. What is your job? yeah a HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. I already give the link for a legit educational ladder in the US, but it proves that you are not from the US. Because 4 years in high school is only here in the Philippines, your an American wannabe asshole. Don't speak? or you cannot speak it clearly in front of me that you are a 30 year old brat disguising as an 18 year old. Your a poser and a faggot, hahahah you also hate your Tokufandom even in Academics. That's why you are a loser and no life.
Anonymous said…
Out of Ideas? or you are out of ideas, because you are already defeated on the debate. Just face it, you are uneducated asshole. I'm a manage and you are a high school veteran. Copy all my comments makes yourself out of ideas to defend yourself. Tsk.. kiddork you are UNEDUCATED, and didn't know about US Education. Your a POSER and a LOSER HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. Just accept it, you are already defeated on the debate, and your repeating all my comments over and over because you are already pissed. I repeat it many times because you are quite offended CODEBOOTLEG. I already won the debate because you are out of ideas DON'T SPEAK YOU ARE UNEDUCATED FREAK. Go back to pre-school to learn good manners and righ conduct , I'm already a professional, while you are a repeater that easily identify through copying my comments. Your mind is 2 year old brat asshole for a 30 years old body, your lying that your are 18, just dream on IDIOT.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Well you are giving up now, because you are out of ideas. List on my own? because you will copy on what I'm saying, your a FUCKIN IDIOT. STUDY HARD TO GRADUATE IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!
Anonymous said…
This trash blog haven't any entries because Codebootleg is a fuckin High School Veteran and a American Wannabe, but a Special Child living under the basement named Seantar Akizuki.
Anonymous said…
WAHAHAHAH BOOTLEG BUTTHURT!!! Enumerating some dumbass comments make you more uneducated. Your a poser and an American Wannabe but residing in the Philippines. Eat more water spinach fuckin asshole Seantard Codebootleg Akizuki hahahah.
Anonymous said…
You make me laugh dork.... you're a fuckin idiot because of repeating all my comments. Are you giving up on this argument because I've already won. Hahaha such a loser, STUDY HARD TO GRADUATE IN HIGHSCHOOL DUMBASS VETERAN. I will repeat it many times because you are butthurt. Stop making pathetic excuses your a fuckin dumb.
Anonymous said…
Your a dumbass,lame, liar, poser, american wannabe, shitass, ang making some pathetic excuses, and that's why you didn't graduate in high school because your an imbecile to your family. Repeating my comments, because you are now lose on this argument. Study hard and get back if your grduated, if the school wants to kick your butt and never see you again.... HAHAHAHA DUMB DORK LOSER.
Anonymous said…
Proving your point that you are uneducated and still a high school veteran, you are totally offended on what I'm saying, because its true. You're a retarded 30 year old from the hellish basement, that's why you are moronically patethic. You are born to become a laughing stock for pretending to become AMERICAN WANNABE. Read your previous comment? all of them are your dumb logic. Go back to Pre-School DORK WAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
I already graduated from elementary to college, so what's the point? you're getting mad at me because you are envy on my achievements. The reason why you didn't like to repeat what I'm saying many times, because you are totally butthurt. Argument? you already lose, because you cannot handle the heat. HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN STUDY HARD!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey dumbass, too busy for now, anyway you're doing nothing but to butthurt yourself highschool veteran. Your jealous because you are supporting bootlegs and didn't graduate in high school. POOR IDIOT GO BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS AND PLANT MORE EGGPLANTS ASSHOLE DUMBASS XD.
Anonymous said…
Now you admit yourself that I'm won on the argument because you are easily butthurt. What a shame on you moron. HAHAHAHA, HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN BUTTHURT. You're doing nothing but to rant on this site, instead of posting on your trashblog. I thought you like arguments? are you giving up? BOOTLEG BUTTHURT!!! HAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Attention Seeking Purist? while you're Attention Whore Bootleg Butthurt who still studied in High School for almost 10 years, such a shame in your family. You are born to kill asshole dork.
Anonymous said…
Where's your post in your Asswipe blog? NOTHING!!!! Because you are not good in English, so stop pretending like an American , you're a Filipino. Stop disguising Seantard Akizuki, you are easily identify through the way of your writing.
Anonymous said…
You are too emotional when I saw this Moronic Blog of yours with no posts, because you are dumb. You're irritated by now asshole, If I were you FINISH YOUR STUDIES IN HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE YOU ARE STAYING FOR 10 YEARS. Stalking? No I'm laughing in your Blog with no post hahaha common moron STUDY HARD!!!
Anonymous said…
Keep denying asshole, because you admit yourself as a loser, and your shitass blog with no posts? FUCK YOUR AN IDIOT, GO BACK TO PRESCHOOL ASSHOLE!!!
Anonymous said…
Correcting? or you are just Bootleg Butthurt, because you cannot handle the heat here. Your blog has no post at all, why creating this shit ass blog without any post, YOU'RE A FUCKIN IDIOT ASSHOLE, COPYING MY COMMENTS MAKES YOU MORE MORONIC. Go back to Pre-School HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN HAHAHA
Anonymous said…
You don't have any ideas and we are getting in a circle... why? because your a loser HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN. Wasting your time ranting here instead of studying hard tsk tsk poor dork. Go back to the mountains to plant potatoes, DUMBFUCKER LOL GRADUATE, GRADUATE IF THERE IS TIME FOR YOU? HAHAHA
Anonymous said…
"Blah Blah Blah"? is an excuse for an uneducated like you, I'm not ignoring your comments, because your an IGNORANT. "Blah Blah Blah" is an expression of a down syndrome like you wahahaha, cannot defend himself on the argument. FUCKIN LOSER!!!
Anonymous said…
Ignoring your comments? or you just getting a pathetic excuse for being moronic on this argument. I'm busy at work, while you are biting your bootleg toys and shouting your mom that you need to buy the Cheaper Dino Cheap. Such a Stubborn Idiot. You're answer is "Blah, Blah Blah" again. I'm won on the arguments, that's why you are acting as a tough wannabe, but a loser with no future.
Anonymous said…
Yeah I have time, unlike you asshole, instead of studying you are ranting here. That's why you're a loser and a failure in your family. Your grammar sucks dude to be honest, you're not from the US,you are from the Philippines POSER LOL.
Anonymous said…
Contradicting? or your eating your own words. hahahah I'm won the argument that's why you are totally butthurt and saying blahblahbalh hahaha wtf childish dork.
Anonymous said…
Looks whos old fart waiting for my reply? and not sleeping for almost 2 days, because you are crying in my comments dumbfucking coward. High School Veteran, you are aldready lose, and I'm won on the argument. Poor dumb!!! hahaha!!!. I'm just pointed all your mistakes, and you are whining and waiting for me? hahaha mind your own trash blog with no entries DORK. Waiting for another week for my reply, I'm sorry because I'm busy being a manager, while you are slacking and cutting classes, I know you will repeat senior high again!!! hahahaha
Anonymous said…
Contradicting yourself again wow with 3 comments and waiting for me for 3 days, why? because you are frustrated loser. We'll I don't have time for loser because I have a REGULAR JOB, Unlike yourself who is staying HIGHSCHOOL for 10 YEARS. I watch Zyuohger by now and laughing for the BOOTLEG'S DELUSION OF REBOOTING NINNINGER. SORE LOSER GO BACK TO PRE-SCHOOL PATHETIC ASSHOLE HAHHAHAH.
Anonymous said…
Seriously you already lose in our argument, and making some lamest excuses, what a fuckin dumb and loser like you. Don't have any ideas codebootleg? EAT MORE BAD GRASS LOL, Your loser.
Anonymous said…
Waiting for me for almost a month? when your hair turned white? hahahah!!!! you are pissed now because its true you make lamest excuses HIGH SCHOOL VETERAN WHO ARE STILL IGNORANT ABOUT TOKUSATSU, STUDAY HARD TO GRADUATE IN HIGH SCHOOL KIDDORK!!!! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH XD.
Anonymous said…
Hey codebootleg saying to much idiot, that is why you are dumber than bootlegs that we confront.
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHA you are STILL here! We even got another fag (or maybe its just you) who replied only recently. this isn’t healthy by the way. You guys really need to let this all go. I mean look at all this. This is just miserable. I can seriously tell you guys are miserable just by looking at all this. Oh and its an old friend here to look back at all this cancerous shit show that you put out here. And its the most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen. You guys should really consider killing yourselves because there is no going back from all this. I gotta say the lengths you clowns go is so baffling. Im done for real and you can go ahead and spew up some more trivial bullshit that will take you an entire month or even a year to spew up just so you can force that last word in. Whether you choose to respond or not makes no difference to me I moved on to better things BUT YOU? WOW. The most pathetic Sore loser Ive ever met in my entire life. I’m not even gonna bother reading what other stupid generic shit you gotta say. Im done with this pathetic, starving excuse for a site. Adios retards! Have fun spending LITERALLY YEARS UPON YEARS. Hating a show you just dont like. Talk about sad. :(
Anonymous said…
You are just giving up you coward pathetic bootleg shit , HEY CODEBOOTLEG if I were you accept Power Rangers is a pathetic weak since Hasbro grab it, and you fucking faggot shit cannot argue or defend your fag show in front of us. Eat your own fucking dick !!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
The lorax seeing the post saying that powerrangers is a bootleg: this is what i'd like to call 'IGNORANCE AND PRIDE.'
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The Bootlegs are total FUCKING IGNORANTS and DUMBASS.
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