If you want to complain just ask me

So here's a fantard who tells about my blog and also comparing with this senseless article.So what do you think?.It is all about the clarifications against Power Rangers.They are being radical than us purists, getting the right from the wrong show.It's really natural for me speaking directly with a problem of grammar,the importance is I can speak it direct to the point.According to my buddy they are thousands of bootleg fantards denied that Super Sentai is the origin of the Power Rangers.This is internet and you can know the information between the real and the fake.Those White Fantards gonna see the real thing.And why I called them Fantards?? just because they can't deny Super Sentai and prefer Power Rangers.They pretend to be neutral by naturally a bootleg,supporter of second great trying hard copycat.I really post my opinions just because you are more subjective than mines.

"You made very good statements. Your blog, in general, is very acustom to news as well as adding ideal opinions that are logical towards power rangers and super sentai. Way better than this blog, http://tokupinoy.blogspot.com/ , where their opinions are much more critisms where they treat us fans, fantards. With weak grammar fixes, the blogger believed power rangers are ripoff shits of super sentai. I want you to check it and share your opinions to us, including your online blogger and friends. Thanks!"

the great duel why samurai doesnt suck


Let them hate because they know not the true meaning of taste. Of course they'll say that PR is for the kids. Their kids' culture. They want something child friendly, but that's their stick. I chose sentai because it's more raw, it has better storylines (the Jyuranger, Timeranger), and it can even have shows with the really light-hearted kid stuff like Turboranger, Goseiger and Goonger.
TCP said…
Thanks for the advice dude,your one of the greatest bloggers of sinrealm.I really salute to your entries revealing the dirty side of cosplay community.Hate if they can,Those Pr Purist or specifically Bootleg Fantards gonna aware for this stupidity against the declining image of Tokusatsu in our country since the Zaido infests.
Well, the media bigwigs are the ones to be blamed. If they think Toku's out of trend, they will trash the idea and use their own. Ika nga nila "Gamitin ang sariling atin", they have good intentions, but it just ends up looking like a bootleg.
Anonymous said…
The following links are articles written about the Power Rangers fantards several years ago, and they expose how mentally ill these morons really have been:





Maybe, there needs to be a documentary movie made about these @ssh01es!
TCP said…
Any way thanks for the info dude,I'm already produced some upcoming articles against fantards.This articles totally inspires me as a purist.
Anonymous said…
You're very welcome! I hope that you'd enjoy these articles. Besides, I've grown very tired of the Power Rangers fanatics (or Power Rangers purists if you will), these idiots don't give credit to the Super Sentai series (the real deal) for the production of the Power Rangers series (the number one shit show worldwide that is a partial Xerox copy of the Super Sentai series). To me, the Power Rangers fandom is nothing but a genuine satanic cult (Haim Saban, the man behind the production of the Power Rangers series, is exploiting the fantards of such show), and I'm sure you know what I mean by that.
TCP said…
Can I repost this following articles this month of June? Just to Crying out loud Bootleg Fantards till their brain explodes on ranting again and again on my blog.